Italy 24 Press News

here’s when the phones will ring for the alert message – Nordest24

June 26th, at 9:00 aman important one will take place IT-alert test in Friuli Venezia Giulia, involving the simulation of the collapse of the Tul dam. This exercise aims to verify the effectiveness of warning systems and the readiness of emergency procedures in the event of real disasters.

What to expect from the alert message

During the test, citizens will receive a specific message: “TEST TEST IT-alert test message. It’s underway SIMULATION of a dam collapse in the area you are in. To find out the message you will receive in case of real danger and to fill out the questionnaire go to TEST TEST”.

Importance of taking the test

Active community participation is key. By filling out the questionnaire available on the official website after receiving the alert, citizens will contribute to improving the alert system, thus increasing collective security. The feedback provided will be essential to further refine communication and intervention techniques in emergency situations.

New IT-alert test in Friuli

Detailed information on how to prepare for any real emergencies will be available on the official municipal channels and on the IT-alert website.

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