Italy 24 Press News

Valentina Vezzali: “Aras won because he didn’t understand Italian”

Valentina Vezzali after his experience The Island of the Famousrecently spoke to SuperGuidaTv of his experience as a shipwreck: “It was a truly fantastic experience that left me with so many things that I will always carry with me”. He gave his point of view on the victory of Aras Senol and claimed that he won because he was alone and did not understand Italian, so he was not aware of the arguments between the other contestants. He also attacked Samuel Peroncalling it too rigid and authoritarian.

Those who are alone and don’t speak much tend to win on reality shows: “I think that on the Island, and this is also demonstrated by the previous editions, those who are alone and therefore perhaps find themselves living the Island alone without others, those who speak less and perhaps Aras did not understand when the other people were arguing because he doesn’t understand Italian well, he wins“.

New friendships but no more reality TV

Valentina Vezzali has no desire not to participate in future editions of the reality show, such as the Big Brother: “Big Brother is a program that certainly doesn’t fit into what I’d like to do at the moment I bonded very much with Marina Suma, a person, a woman and a fantastic actress but I also bonded with Matilde Brandi. There were some misunderstandings but I talked about it with her on the Island and it’s a game. Matilde was playing but surely within the next week we will have to see each other and talk. I’m sure that a beautiful friendship could be born with her too

Samuel Peron the most strategist

“After The Island of the Famous he didn’t call me and I’m still waiting for him to call me. Samuel is a very rigid person, he has a rules-based approach perhaps due to his discipline. But even in the sport that I did there are rules to respect but I believe that the human warmth that the person manages to convey to you is also important. You can’t be so rigid and impose things to do on others, there are different ways of doing things. He is like that, he was like that when he was my dance teacher and he was also like that on the island so a little too authoritarian”.

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