Italy 24 Press News

Flood, opening of the reporting portal from 1st July

After the Government’s allocation of 66 million euros to support the population affected by last November’s flood, the president of the Tuscany Region Eugenio Giani, in his capacity as commissioner, announced that from July 1st the portal will open on the region’s website for the reporting procedure in which citizens and businesses will be able to enter invoices and expenses incurred and thus have access to the reimbursements provided for by national provisions, up to 5 thousand euros for families and up to 20 thousand for businesses affected by the flood. Specifically, those with reimbursement requests exceeding 8,000 euros can request an advance of 2,500 euros which can be liquidated before the summer.

“We are happy – said the President of the Region Eugenio Giani – , we have exceeded the threshold of 20 million compared to the 25 that we have allocated. It means that the requests for contributions are finally being successful. The activation of the platform from 1 July on the website will lead us to distribute the 66 million allocated by the government of which I am executive commissioner for families and businesses. They are contributions that can be combined with the 3,000 euros that families have received or are receiving, so families can immediately take action to obtain these 5,000 euros that come from the law decree.”

Meanwhile, the Region is successfully completing requests for contributions from citizens affected by the flood. The procedure for disbursing the 25 million contributions allocated immediately after the flood is going well with almost 17 million already disbursed and 3 million 723 thousand euros being paid this week. To date, there are 761 requests in the investigation phase, 790 people who have not yet communicated the IBAN required to proceed with the payment.

Giani, in taking stock of the support, also focused on the structural interventions, hoping that in this case too the Government will take action with a figure that could be 300 million euros compared to the plan of over 1 billion interventions sent by the Region to the Government and on which there is currently no evidence. On emergency sums, the Government recognized 122 million against a request for 162 million. It means that 40 million are missing which will partly fall on the Municipalities already hard hit.

Giani then announced a series of interventions to support businesses affected by the floods. Among these, an investment call for 5.9 million euros.

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