Italy 24 Press News

“Marulla” modernization: Guarascio-Caruso meeting. Financing of 7.2 million has been requested from the Region

COSENZA – Coach, DS, DG, team, next Serie B championship, but also restyling and modernization of the “San Vito – Marulla” stadium. This was discussed in the meeting at Palazzo dei Bruzi frto the mayor Franz Caruso and the President of Cosenza Calcio Eugenio Guarascio. Also present for the Municipality were the head of the technical department, an architect Giuseppe Bruno and theengineer Pietro Filicefor Cosenza the administrator of the rossoblù club the lawyer. Roberta Anania and the engineer Luca Giordano, safety manager.

Credits and infrastructure interventions requested by the League

In a climate of maximum sharing, various relevant topics were addressed the interventions to be carried out on the sports facility both in the short term and in the near future. The Company has requested the Management of previous credit, accrued towards the municipal administration until 2019, when some urgent adaptation works were carried out for participation in the Serie B Championship, such as the installation of child seats. From this perspective, the decisions of the extraordinary liquidation body are awaited. The meeting was also useful for Frplan the immediate interventions necessary to comply with the infrastructural criteria required by League Bwith the methods described in the five-year agreement signed between the Company and the Municipal Administration in August 2023.

Marulla Stadium obtains UEFA category 3 approval

The interventions that will be completed on the Marulla stadium in view of next season will allow the standards of the facility to be raised, obtaining a UEFA category 3 approval and making it eligible to play matches for the Under 21 national team and the senior national team. Three months ago the facility hosted the senior women’s national team.

7.2 million financing for new modernization works

Mayor Caruso and President Guarascio also discussed the rFinancing request for 9 million euros forwarded to the Calabria Region by the municipal administration. The administration is working to obtain the financing, determined at 7.2 million euros, which if approved would allow effective modernization interventions to be carried out on the structure and conformation of the plant.

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