Italy 24 Press News

Weather: cloudy skies over Liguria, rain arrives on Thursday and Friday

Liguria. The sinking of a depression to the west of the continent determines the rise of a promontory of sub-tropical origin towards our country. Here are the forecasts weather forecast of the Limet Center for today and the next few days.

Sky and Phenomena: in the morning mostly clear or at most cloudy skies. During the afternoon, a general increase in cloud cover over the entire region and a “milky” sky due to the presence of sand at high altitude. Starting from late afternoon, isolated drips or brief showers cannot be ruled out.

Winds: gusts from N-NE up to 50-60km/h in front of the Imperia area and on the exposed heads, weak or moderate mainly with a breeze elsewhere. In the evening general wind strengthening.

Mari: very rough in the Imperia area, little or barely rough elsewhere. Temperatures: stationary. Coast: Min: +17/+21°C – Max: +25/+30°C; internal: Min: +7/+13°C – Max: +22/+32°C.

THURSDAY 20 JUNE: milky sky everywhere. Possible short showers (red, “dirty” rain). Moderate winds from the north. Mari: little movement. Temperatures: stationary or slightly decreasing along the coast.

FRIDAY 21 JUNE: During the night and early morning, a brief unstable phase which could lead to the formation of light showers with the possibility of a few isolated thunderclaps. Partly cloudy to cloudy throughout the day [SEGUIRE I PROSSIMI AGGIORNAMENTI]

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