Italy 24 Press News

the monument to Giacomo Matteotti vandalized • Terzo Binario News

The raid on the Flaminia, in Riano; “serious and shameful outrage”

“W beam”. The monument to Giacomo Matteotti, deputy of the Socialist Party kidnapped and killed by fascists on 10 June 1944, was vandalised. A deplorable act, denounced by the Democratic Party of Riano: “This morning we woke up with sad news: the monument to Giacomo Matteotti on the Flaminia was vandalised, and with it also the flower crown of the President of the Republic. In addition to being an outrage to the memory of the Honorable Matteotti, brutally murdered by fascists, it is also an outrage to our Republic and to freedom of expression and thought, which current events remind us are in danger.”

Monument to Matteotti vandalized: the words of the mayor of Riano

The mayor of Riano, Luca Abbruzzetti, also intervenes on the matter: “A serious and shameful outrage to the memory of a martyr of anti-fascism which affects the entire community of Riano which has always been linked to the memory of Matteotti and the battles he carried out then and again relevant today. Like 100 years ago, Giacomo Matteotti still scares some cowards.”

The vandalism raid

The No Bavaglio Roma Nord network, in a note, says: “The vandalistic raid carried out against Matteotti’s monument in Riano is a cowardly act that affects all anti-fascists. Last night unknown persons damaged the wreath of flowers, sent by President Sergio Mattarella a week ago, and vandalized with writings the stele dedicated to the socialist deputy kidnapped and killed by fascist squadristi on 10 June 1924. The message of the fight for freedom that Matteotti gave us evidently he is scary even 100 years after his assassination. But nothing can erase it. As militant anti-fascists we have the duty to carry forward Matteotti’s battles against fascism and wars to defend workers’ rights, peace and social justice. And no amount of intimidation can stop us. The NoBavaglio Free to Be Network, an anti-fascist network of activist journalists and citizens, took part in all the ceremonies and the Relay Matteotti in Rome and Riano on 10 June to remember the socialist deputy on the centenary of his kidnapping and murder carried out by a fascist gang. We do it again and today by inviting all anti-fascists to bring a flower and a rose in front of the monument on the Flaminia. Because with the beauty of a flower we can fight the ugliness of those who would like to dirty the shared memory of us anti-fascists with vandalistic writings and gestures. Yesterday, today and tomorrow our duty is to keep alive the battle inherited from Matteotti for freedom, social justice, for workers’ rights, to fight against old and new fascisms. For peace. Storm lives!”.

Enrico Berlinguer’s tomb desecrated

Just yesterday we reported another similar episode. That is, the tomb of Enrico Berlinguer desecrated “for the third time in the space of just two months” in the Prima Porta cemetery, in Rome. Thus the children in a post on Instagram: “The cowardly action of some scoundrels reveals that it is not the act of a deranged person, but rather a gesture with a clearly political content. We hope that the necessary measures will be taken to avoid further outrages.”

Published Tuesday, June 18, 2024 @ 13:05:44 © ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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