Italy 24 Press News

Tragedy almost at the “Rizzoli”! The false ceiling collapses

Tragedy almost at the “Rizzoli”! Yesterday afternoon, part of the false ceiling at the entrance to the hospital suddenly collapsed. The collapse affected the area where the Cup service is used and the ticket is paid, also used by users in transit to the chapel or on their way to the clinics. Furthermore, family members of the patients are often present in that area. By pure luck at that moment no one was passing under the false ceiling which fell onto the floor and therefore no injuries were reported, just a lot of fear. However, the consequences could have been much more serious.

The sudden noise, caused by the collapse of the air conditioning machine, startled everyone, in particular those who were in the vicinity of the affected area, including the patients and the operators of the Medicine Department. But alarm was created throughout the entire hospital. And there are those who rushed outside or in any case abandoned that area to protect themselves from further collapses. A “quiet” afternoon of fear… A great scare on everyone’s part, which was followed by disbelief at the sight of the collapsed false ceiling, while other parts remained “threateningly” dangling. How could such an accident occur? Normally we go to hospital to be treated, not to remain buried under a false ceiling. An unpleasant episode that brings our hospital back into the (negative) news.

The intervention of workers and technicians was immediately requested and they set to work to repair the damage from the collapse and restore safety conditions. Furthermore, an inspection is scheduled this morning by the technical offices of both the ASL Napoli 2Nord and the Campania Region.
In any case, the seriousness of the accident that occurred remains which, we repeat, only due to a fortuitous event did it not produce serious consequences. An episode on which the managers of the “Rizzoli” and the ASL Napoli 2 Nord will have to provide appropriate explanations.

The ASL Napoli 2 Nord, regarding the collapse of a false ceiling near the main entrance of the Rizzoli Hospital in Lacco Ameno, communicates that the accident led to the need to provide treatment to a user who suffered minor injuries and to a young pregnant woman because of the fright she felt.

For precautionary reasons only, three rooms in the Surgery Department were temporarily cleared and the patients transferred to other departments.
Access to the hospital from the main entrance is suspended for safety reasons and users can, however, regularly use the health services by accessing from the rear entrance.

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