Italy 24 Press News

Rosolen, Pasolini project addresses issues of our time

Udine, 18 June – “Pasolini, one of the greatest Italian intellectuals of the twentieth century, was a scandalous man, a suffering artist, allergic to labels, a civil poet linked to the Friulian language and to all of Friuli Venezia Giulia. For students, visiting the places of her youthful life means getting closer to her impressive, multifaceted and significant work, and making contact with a territory that certainly influenced her feelings and aspirations of her time of 2024, in a sort of continuous nemesis, which keeps repeating itself, with a need for renewal and research that emerges forcefully in the new generations. The context, yesterday as today, is that of an apparently positive historical dimension economic but which is faced with the impacts of social innovation, of a profound and radical evolution within our communities.”

This was underlined by the Councilor for Training and Education of Friuli Venezia Giulia, Alessia Rosolen, who spoke this morning via videoconference at the presentation of the project “Knowing Pasolini. The works and places”, held in the building of the Prefecture of Pordenone, an illustration to which The prefect of Pordenone, Natalino Domenico Manno, also took part, together with the representatives of the regional school office of Friuli Venezia Giulia, the Municipality of Casarsa della Delizia and the Pier Paolo Pasolini Study Center of Casarsa della Delizia.

The project, developed by the Pier Paolo Pasolini Study Center for the 2024-2025 school year and aimed at students of secondary schools, is divided into a lesson and a visit to the headquarters of the Casarsa della Delizia Study Center to learn more aspects of Pasolini’s work and promoting its reading; the objective is to spread knowledge of the author through comparison with the texts and places of origin, and the involvement of students in the historical comparison of reference.

“On the part of the Region there is full willingness to include a project of this value within the interventions on the three-year plans of the training offer, both in terms of the areas of linguistic skills and orientation and for the important area of ​​awareness and cultural expressions – said Rosolen -. This year, moreover, marks the hundredth anniversary of the birth of Zigaina, one of the greatest painters of the twentieth century who, together with Pasolini, expressed all his intellectual potential in multifaceted and multifaceted manner: for this reason I believe it is important to also include the painter and essayist in the new training proposal, as a valid opportunity for comparison”.

“Pasolini has dismantled all the taboos of the late Sixties of the last century: drugs, communism, certainly the lack of attention to the environmental issue – added the representative of the Executive -. To love culture you need to have a strong vitality: this is what Pasolini wrote, a message that can be grasped when visiting the places of his youthful life, on a journey that allows one to get closer and understand his multifaceted production, in a territory that has certainly influenced him, and which has done so in decisive manner.”

Rosolen also remembered the Pasolini journalist while interviewing Ezra Pound “in an extraordinary context of cultural and political vitality of those years, also in that case overcoming the taboos against Pound. No later than last year, the Rossetti regional theater of Trieste has staged a themed show that retraces the stages carried out during the interview conducted on Rai. This is a message of openness and public service that is part of the actions that must be taken in the construction of civic identity. of our students. I am sure that the Pasolini Study Center will also be able to grasp these aspects as ideas to give to the students”. ARC/PT/al

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