Italy 24 Press News

Favorable opinion from the Council of Local Authorities on the adjustment of the summer budget

17.06.2024 – 16.10 – Positive opinion was expressed by Council of local self-government (Cal), meeting this morning in mixed mode at the Udine headquarters of the Region, on the agreement on the provisions regarding the financial transfers to local authorities of the draft budget adjustment bill for the years 2024-2026, preliminarily approved by the Regional Council on 7 June 2024. A positive opinion was also expressed by the members of the Cal on the draft budget adjustment bill for the years 2024-2026, also preliminarily approved by the Council. The contents of the assessment were illustrated, in attendance, by the Finance Councilor of Friuli Venezia Giulia Barbara Zilliwith the intervention, via videoconference, of the councilor for local authorities Pierpaolo Roberti.

“Today – reported Zilli – was an important opportunity to bring to the attention of local authorities the impressive summer adjustment maneuver which counts on a administration surplus of 698.5 million euros, to which will be added resources deriving from greater sharing of revenue from state taxes. It is confirmation that the strategic choices we have adopted in recent years are rewarding, starting with the claim of our financial autonomy”.

“The objective that the Fedriga Council has set itself with this adjustment maneuver – added the councilor – is to support and strengthen all the strategic sectors to guarantee ever greater competitiveness, competence and autonomy to the regional economic system, and also to improve the services for the benefit of our community, with a focus dedicated to the local authority system, the individual, the family and the workers. The virtuosity of our budget allows us to advance, through the Civil Protection, 35 million euros to compensate for the damage caused by bad weather, awaiting the state reimbursement which will arrive after 2025. One hundred million euros for the rotation funds, both for businesses and agriculture, 50 million for supra-municipal projects and 7 for the financial advance to the Municipalities for projects linked to the Pnrr and beyond”.

“During the session with the local authorities we also discussed measures that are still in progress and that we would like to develop, always through an open constructive dialogue with local administrators, for the benefit of the citizens of the region” Zilli finally observed, underlining that today’s was a fair and collaborative discussion since “the choices of the Council are the result of a matured sharing in the territory”.


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