Italy 24 Press News

Tax, here’s how much tax evasion amounts to in Friuli Venezia Giulia

Escape in Friuli Venezia Giulia.

Tax evasion in Italy is valid as much as 84 billion euros; and in Friuli Venezia Giulia? In our region, the taxes deducted from the tax authorities amount to almost one and a half billion euros. The data comes from the new analysis carried out by the CGIA of Mestre.

“Our Financial Administration – writes the association -, has 190 databases
digitally connected to each other. They are archives that collect an incredible amount of tax information that if appropriately crossed together could determine with great precision the fiscal loyalty of each of the 43.3 million Italian taxpayers. Only to
for example, our tax system stores 2.4 billion electronic invoices and 1.3 billion income and bonus information every year used by the Revenue Agency to prepare pre-compiled declarations”.

“In short, nothing should slip through the cracks of our tax system. On one condition, that the operation does not occur outside the “legal” circuits. Otherwise, it seems, there is no valid database: the tax evader has an excellent chance of remaining unpunished”.

According to the Ministry of Economy and Finance, tax and contribution evasion in Italy it is 83.6 billion euros (last available year 2021). In absolute terms the lost revenue is of interest the most populated regions which are also those where the concentration of economic activities is greatest – such as Lombardy with 13.6 billion euros in lost revenue, Lazio with 9.1, Campania with 7.8 and Veneto with 6.5.

In percentage terms, obtained thanks to the ratio between the amount evaded for every 100 euros of tax revenue collected, it emerges, however, that the propensity for tax evasion especially affects the regions of Southern Italy. In fact, in Calabria it is at 18.4 percent, in Campania at 17.2, in Puglia at 16.8 and in Sicily at 16.5. On the contrary, the territories most loyal to the tax authorities they are the Autonomous Province of Trento with an estimated tax evasion of 8.6 percent, Lombardy with 8 percent and the Autonomous Province of Bolzano with 7.7 percent. The national average is 11.2 percent.

Escapism in our region.

Friuli Venezia Giulia is also among the regions most faithful to taxation: if the unobserved economy represents 9.4% of the regional added value, the evaded taxes amount to approximately 1.5 billion euros (1,484 million), with an evasion percentage of 9 percent for every 100 euros of revenue collected (2.2 percentage points less than the average). With these data, therefore, the Fvg places itself fourth last in Italy as an evasion rate.

The territory of the province of Udine has 411,277 Irpef taxpayers (of which 223,618 from employee income and 14,873 with income from self-employed workers), thirtieth in Italy by number; 240,826 in Pordenone (138,417 employees and 8,182 self-employed); 182,639 in Trieste (99,372 employees, 70,238 pensioners and 5,758 self-employed) and 109,738 in Gorizia (one hundredth in Italy out of 107 capitals).

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