Italy 24 Press News

The Pilgrimage of communion and peace in the Holy Land concluded yesterday

From Thursday 13 to Sunday 16 June, the Pilgrimage of communion and peace in the Holy Land entitled “Peace be to you!” took place in Jerusalem, Bethlehem and Ramallah, proposed by the Church of Bologna with the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem, and led by Archbishop Card. Matteo Zuppi together with the Patriarch of Jerusalem of the Latins Card. Pierbattista Pizzaballa.

The pilgrimage involved over 160 people from Bologna and other parts of Italy and was a moment of prayer and meeting mainly with the Catholic and Orthodox Palestinian Christian communities.

In addition to the small Christian community of Jewish origin of the Latin Patriarchate, relatives of the Israeli hostages in Gaza were also met.

The initiative was supported by: Acli, Agesci, the Pope John XXIII Association, Catholic Action, the promoting committee of the 3rd World March for Peace and Non-violence, Communion and Liberation, the Community of Sant’Egidio, the Christian Life Community, the Italian Research Institute for peace – Civil peace corps, Visitation Families, Focolare Movement, Pax Christi, Pious Union of Free Collectors in the celebrations of the Blessed Virgin of San Luca, Little Family of the Annunziata, Portico della Pace, Pro Civitate Christiana, Slow Food Italy , Christian Union of Entrepreneurs and Managers, and A Bridge to the Holy Land.

Every day it was possible to follow updates from the Social Communications Office on the website, on the 12Porte YouTube channel, on the Facebook page and on the Instagram profile of the Church of Bologna.

Other services with in-depth analysis will be published in the diocesan weekly Bologna Sette, the Sunday insert of Avvenire.

«With this pilgrimage – states Archbishop Card. Zuppi – we wanted to share the suffering and be close to them in a period so tragically marked by pain. Let us bring closeness, prayer, communion, sharing and intercession so that this suffering ends soon.”

«Thank you because with this Pilgrimage – said the Patriarch Card. Pizzaballa in a video message broadcast to the General Assembly of the CEI – you help us to live well, as far as possible, as Christians, as believers, rooted in the land and in the life of the people, this difficult moment. Pray for us and we will continue, despite everything, on this occasion to pray and thank you.”

«The title of this initiative – states Monsignor Stefano Ottani, Vicar General for Synodality, who participated in the Pilgrimage and oversaw its preparation – expresses the meaning and the program well.
Everyone wants peace, but for some, peace is the fruit of the annihilation of others.
We, however, affirm that peace is the fruit of communion, which arises from meeting, listening and solidarity.
This Pilgrimage aims to be a sign of the will, also of the people, of the people of God, of the Church of the Lord who personally feels involved in this commitment to peace.”
Here is the film on the meetings held yesterday by the delegation in Israel and Palestine, edited by correspondent Luca Tentori:

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