Italy 24 Press News

Globi d’Oro, the 64th edition in Rome on 3 July

Golden Globes 2024

The Golden Globes come to theirs 64th edition. On July 3rd, in the splendid setting of the German Academy Rome Villa Massimo, we will witness the award ceremony for the excellence of our local cinema by the Foreign Press Association in Italy.

Cinema writes history, denounces, experiments, fuels desires, but above all “contains”: to paraphrase the great Bernardo Bertolucciwe remember the world only through its images.

And this year, as highlighted by the Artistic Director of the event Claudio Lavangathe protagonist was the face of a woman: «This is the edition of Italian cinema for women, Monica Bellucci will receive the well-deserved Globe for Lifetime Achievement, while Paola Cortellesi, Alice Rohrwacher, Micaela Ramazzotti And Giovanna Mezzogiorno they confirm themselves among the most appreciated artists also by the foreign press, with various nominations. There are also many surprises: how Margherita Vicario competing for Best Film, First Film, Soundtrack and Cinematography, and Newcomer Rebecca Antonacias Best Actress and Promising Young Woman”.

Not only. This was also the year of debut directors, of men and women who flew high, pushing the limits, surpassing the boundaries of art. It is the“enchantment of novelty” Flaubertian, the year of Italian pride abroad, one among all Maurizio Lombardi who wins the Golden Globe Italians in the Worldwhose talent is actually ancient history.

Choices from dozens of films from over forty foreign correspondents from all over the worldthe three finalists competing for the Best Film award are: Glory! Of Margherita VicarioThere’s still tomorrow’s Paola Cortellesi and I Captain Of Matteo Garrone; the latter also competing for the Best Director category together in La Chimera Of Alice Rohrwacher. For the Best First Film instead we find again Glory! Of Margherita Vicario next to Happiness Of Micaela Ramazzotti and Palazzina Laf di Michele Riondino.

«It is with great pride that we follow this period of renaissance of the seventh art – he declares Alina Trabattoni, Co-Artistic Director of the award – The Italian film industry is in fact reaching the levels of its golden age and this thanks to a new generation of innovative directors, actors and screenwriters. Their films, characterized by emotional depth and aesthetic experimentation, are conquering international audiences and critics, repositioning this country as a leading cultural power.”

The cinema that starts again, and that resists. The Italian one, which since 1960 in the wake of Golden Globes Americans is appreciated and admired throughout the world, starting with the first award ceremony that took place in that year with the film A damn scam of the unforgettable Pietro Germi.

Cinema is an event capable of always giving us a new ending, of a different story. A love story.

German Academy Villa Massimo Rome – Golden Globes 2024

Globi d’Oro, All applications

Best Film

There is still tomorrow (Paola Cortellesi)

Glory! (Margherita Vicario)

I Captain (Matteo Garrone)

Best Direction

There is still tomorrow (Paola Cortellesi)

I Captain (Matteo Garrone)

The Chimera (Alice Rohrwacher)

Best First Film

Happiness (Micaela Ramazzotti)

Glory! (Margherita Vicario)

Palazzina Laf (Michele Riondino)

Best Actress

Rebecca Antonaci (Finally the dawn)

Micaela Ramazzotti (Happiness)

Federica Rosellini (Confidence)

Best Actor

Antonio Albanese (One Hundred Sundays)

Pierfrancesco Favino (Commander)

Elio Germano (Confidence)

Promising Young Man

Rebecca Antonaci (Finally the dawn)

Andrea Fuorto (Patagonia)

Simone Zambelli (Mercy)

Lifetime Achievement Award

Monica Bellucci

Italians in the World Award

Maurizio Lombardi

Best Screenplay

Daniele Luchetti and Francesco Piccolo (Confidence)

Matteo Garrone, Massimo Gaudioso, Massimo Ceccherini and Andrea Tagliaferri (Io Capitano)

Edoardo De Angelis and Sandro Veronesi (Commander)

Best Photography

Angelo Sorrentino (Diabolik, who are you?)

Gianluca Palma (Gloria!)

Paolo Carnera (Adagio)

Best Comedy

Romeo is Juliet (Giovanni Veronesi)

50 km per hour (Fabio De Luigi)

Six brothers (Simone Godano)

Best TV Series

For Elisa – The Claps case (Marco Pontecorvo)

Supersex (Matteo Rovere, Francesco Carrozzini and Francesca Mazzoleni)

One Love (Francesco Lagi)

Best Soundtrack

Margherita Vicario and Davide Pavanello (Gloria!)

Pivio and Aldo De Scalzi (Diabolik, who are you?)

Subsonica (Adagio)

Best Documentary

Can I come in? An Ode To Naples (Trudie Styler)

Bangarang (Giulio Mastromauro)

Rome, holy and damned (Roberto D’Agostino, Marco Giusti and Daniele Ciprì)

Best Short

The last poem (Leonardo Petrillo)

In the surname I chose (Lorenzo Sepalone)

Unfitting (Giovanna Mezzogiorno)

Globi d’Oro, The jury

The Cinema 2024 Committee is made up of Claudio Lavanga (Artistic Director) NBC NEWS, USA; Alina Trabattoni (Artistic Director) TRT World; Maarten van Aalderen, De Telegraaf, Netherlands; Patricia Mayorga Marcos, El Mercurio, Chile; Vera Naydenova (TV Series Manager) BTV, Bulgaria; Praxilla Trabattoni (Head of Documentary Section) freelance correspondent, Switzerland; Vera Shcherbakova (Head of Short Film Section) ITAR-TASS, Russia; Sofya Lipenkova, freelance correspondent, Russia (Social Media Manager Golden Globe); Alba Kepi, RTV Ora News, Albania; and Constanze Templin freelance journalist, Germany (Head of Feature Film Section).

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