Italy 24 Press News


An urgent meeting to address the issue of the deficit of the Regional Health Service: this is what the General Secretary of CGIL L’Aquila, Francesco Marrelli, and the General Secretary of FP CGIL L’Aquila, Anthony Pasqualone, ask of the Regional Councilor for Health, Nicoletta Verì , to the leaders of the ASL 1 Avezzano Sulmona L’Aquila, to the president of the Select Committee of Mayors of the same local health company and to the mayors of Avezzano, Sulmona and Castel di Sangro. The Trade Unions believe that a meeting can no longer be waived “to address the provisions of Regional Law no. 9 of 23 May 2024, regarding the coverage of the deficit of the Regional Health Service, resulting in the fourth quarter of 2023, and in particular the provisions of the art. 2 of the same which highlights the obligation on the part of the local health authorities to intervene to prepare, within 30 days, a plan for the rationalization of the available resources and the sustainability of the health services offered”. This request follows the one already forwarded to the same recipients by the CGIL last May 30th. “We must therefore necessarily begin to address the issue relating to the deficit of ASL 1, equal to over 46 million euros, to understand, through an analysis of the balance sheet, what has generated such a significant liability despite a continuous and systematic contraction of services in the territory provincial”, we read in the open letter signed by the CGIL secretaries. In particular, the trade unionists ask for clarification on the “negative record for passive mobility, equal to approximately 77 million euros, which highlights a continuous and systematic exodus of citizens towards more attractive healthcare systems than ASL 1 Abruzzo”. Marrelli and Pasqualone then underline another emergency of the ASL of L’Aquila, that of the waiting lists: “for a complete abdominal ultrasound, in the Peligno Sangrina area, it takes 328 days”, they write, “for the L’Aquila Hospital, 289 days ; for a dynamic Holter electrocardiogram, it takes 235 days for the L’Aquila Hospital; CT scan of the complete abdomen, L’Aquila area, 327 days, Peligna area, 223 days; total colonoscopy with flexible endoscope, L’Aquila area 587 days; mammography, first available date Marsica area January 2025, L’Aquila area and Peligno Sangrina area February 2025; grastroscopy L’Aquila April 2025, Marsica February 2025, Peligno Sangrina area all full for 2025; Brain MRI, L’Aquila area 340 days, Peligno Sangrina area 186, while for a dermatological visit, L’Aquila area 235 days, Marsica area 284 days. In general for colonoscopies the waiting times are for the L’Aquila area January 2026, Avezzano area May 2025, Sulmona area November 2025”. This situation is closely linked to the shortage of staff, which risks worsening in the summer period, with a double impact: on the one hand, that for the staff on duty, often forced to work extraordinary hours, and that for the users, who are often forced to contact other local health authorities or private structures. “To all this”, continue CGIL and FP CGIL, “we add the now daily complaint of the shortage of medical materials and devices and drugs within the departments and services”. Hence the need for a discussion on an intervention plan that does not include cuts to personnel and health services. “This territory needs shared investments, planning that starts from unsatisfied health needs and that sees the public health system return to being a point of reference for prevention and treatment, reconfirming its principles of universality, equity and free . Only through this change will we avoid the constant depopulation and impoverishment of our territory.” (B.C)

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