Italy 24 Press News

General Graziano, president of Fincantieri, has died. Suicide hypothesis

General Claudio Graziano, president of Fincantieri, has died. He was born in Turin in 1953.

Graziano, who had recently lost his wife, would have been found dead this morning, with many hypotheses on the causes including that of suicide. Graziano, former chief of defense staff and president of the EU military committee, was appointed president of Fincantieri in 2022.

The news of the death of Fincantieri’s president, Claudio Graziano, impacts the stock which reacts with a dive into the red, below 5 euros and down by more than 3 percent.

“The passing of General Claudio Graziano leaves me speechless. He was a friend and was an extraordinary officer who brought honor to Italy even in his European roles. May a prayer accompany him on the journey to reach his bride” is the message of the deputy prime minister and foreign minister, Antonio Tajani, on X.

“I am shocked by the sudden death of General Graziano. A servant of the State, a pro-European Piedmontese, a friend. Goodbye Claudio, rest in peace”: this is how on X the EU economic commissioner Paolo Gentiloni reacted to the news of the death of the president of Fincantieri, General Claudio Graziano.

These are the words of Alessandro Piana, interim president of the Liguria Region, regarding the news of the death of General Claudio Graziano: “I express my deepest condolences on behalf of myself and the Regional Council for the sudden passing of General Claudio Graziano, since 2022 president of the Fincantieri Group and former chief of defense staff. Graziano was an example of dedication and service to our country, standing out for his integrity, his professionalism and his commitment to progress: a loss that leaves a void in the world of the country’s naval industry. The Regional Council rallies around General Graziano’s family, his colleagues and all those who had the honor of knowing him and working with him”.

Below is a short biography of him taken from the Fincantieri website:

Born in Turin in 1953, he attended the Military Academy of Modena, from 1972 to 1974, and the Application School of Turin, from 1974 to 1976, where he obtained a degree in Military Strategic Sciences. He also obtained degrees in Diplomatic and International Sciences from the University of Trieste, a Master’s degree in Strategic Sciences and a university specialization in Human Sciences from the Augustinian Academy of Rome.

Appointed Infantry Officer, Alpine specialty in 1974, in 1976 he was commander of a rifle platoon at the “Susa” Alpine battalion in Pinerolo and in 1977 he was Deputy Commander of the anti-tank company of the “Taurinense” Alpine Brigade. He then commanded, in 1980, the mortar company as well as the Alpine company (riflemen) at the “Trento” Alpine battalion of the “Tridentina” Alpine Brigade and from 1983 to 1986 the Officer Cadets company and the Command company at the Alpine Military School of Aosta .

After the General Staff course, in 1987 he was assigned to the Army General Staff, where he held the position of Officer in Charge of the Supply Program Office.

Promoted to Major in 1988, he then attended the Higher Staff Course from 1989 to 1990.

In 1990, promoted to Lieutenant Colonel, he was transferred to the Office of the Chief of Staff of the Army, taking on the role of Chief of the General Staff Secretariat of the Chief of Staff.

In 1992 he was reassigned to the “Susa” alpine battalion as Commander which, during his command, was deployed in Mozambique, as part of the United Nations peacekeeping mission, with the main task of guaranteeing the security of the corridor Beira, encouraging and supporting humanitarian and health aid for local populations.

At the end of 1993 he was designated Head of Coordination and Studies Section in the Office of the Chief of Staff of the Army.

Promoted to Colonel, in 1996 he attended the US Army War College and then commanded the 2nd Alpine Regiment of the “Taurinense” Brigade in Cuneo. Subsequently, he held the position of Chief of the Planning Office of the Army General Staff.

In September 2001 he assumed the role of Military Attache at the Italian Embassy in Washington DC, in the United States.

Promoted Brigadier General in January 2002, in August 2004 he assumed command of the “Taurinense” Alpine Brigade and from July 2005 to February 2006 the command of the “Kabul Multinational Brigade” in Afghanistan and, with it, the responsibility of the Area of ​​Operations of the province of Kabul, directing, among other things, numerous humanitarian initiatives in the context of reconstruction and first aid activities for the populations.

Promoted to General of Division in January 2006, in March of the same year he assumed the role of Chief of the Operations Department of the Joint Defense Joint Forces Operational Command.

In January 2007 the Secretary General of the United Nations awarded him the role of Force Commander of the UNIFIL mission in Lebanon, where he fulfilled the role of Commander of the UN Forces, as well as Head of Mission, also becoming responsible for the entire civilian component of the United Nations in Lebanon, including the coordination of humanitarian aid and reconstruction and relief activities undertaken.

In January 2010 he was promoted to the rank of General of the Army Corps and, from February of the same year, he was appointed Chief of Staff of the Minister of Defense. In October 2011 he was appointed Chief of Staff of the Army and subsequently promoted to the rank of General.

From February 2015 to November 2018 he was Chief of Defense Staff.

Designated in November 2017, from 6 November 2018 to 15 May 2022 he held the position of President of the European Union Military Committee.

Since 16 May 2022 he has been President of the Board of Directors of Fincantieri SpA and since 28 September 2022 he has been President of Assonave (National Association of the shipbuilding industry).

Awarded with numerous decorations, he was awarded 5 Solemn Commendations and 9 Simple Commendations. He was also awarded honorary citizenship of the Province of Tire (Lebanon), of the Municipalities of Villanova d’Asti and Fontanile (AT) and of the city of Biella.

He is the author of numerous books, studies and articles.

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