Italy 24 Press News

Caldonazzo, celebrated the 140th anniversary of the Fire Brigade | Gazzetta delle Valli

In the meantime, I want to express my heartfelt thanks for your constant commitment and wish you all a happy 140th anniversary”, said President Maurizio Fugatti, who spoke today at the celebrations for the 140th anniversary of the foundation of the Volunteer Fire Brigade. of Caldonazzo. In May 1884 the first firefighters joined together and founded the Corps, which today has 37 regular firefighters, 8 cadets and 4 honorary firefighters. In 140 years of history, said Commander Diego Campregher, the range of action is has significantly expanded, going well beyond putting out fires, but the Fire Brigade is always animated by the same spirit of generosity and availability towards a community of which they are an integral part.

And the community, present today in the barracks, officially thanked the Fire Brigade through the words of Mayor Elisabetta Wolfwhich placed emphasis on the time, now increasingly precious, that firefighters make available to the community, thanks also to the availability of families.

Thanks to the Fire Brigade, their loved ones and the Province for their support of the firefighters’ activities characterized today’s official interventions at the barracks, after the mass celebrated by Don Emilio Menegol. The parish priest highlighted in particular the values ​​of generosity and perseverance of firefighters.

Four intense days were organized to celebrate this commitment, with a rich program designed to involve the entire community and ideally blow out the 140 candles of a long journey together. A program which included, among other things, the photographic exhibition of the history of the Corps set up at the barracks, the activities aimed at children, the exhibition and parade of the historic vehicles of the Trentino fire brigade, the demonstration maneuver of the Cadet Brigade of Caldonazzo and the country festival in collaboration with the Alpini. The important anniversary was dedicated to Andrea Pola, Complementary policeman who suddenly passed away just in the last few days. To remember him, the initiatives at the barracks opened with a minute’s silence.

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