Italy 24 Press News

a 50-year-old died in Milan

Rescued by the 118 health workers, the 50-year-old was urgently taken to the Niguarda hospital, where he arrived in code red with internal injuries and fractures to his upper limbs and pelvis. He died two days later.

The 50-year-old motorcyclist who was seriously injured last Friday died following a bad road accident in via Padova in Milan. Around 8.50 on Friday, at number 324, in front of the petrol station, the victim’s motorbike collided with a car for reasons yet to be ascertained.

The injuries sustained were too serious, the 50-year-old died at Niguarda

The man was thrown to the ground and hit the asphalt violently. Rescued by the 118 health workers, he was urgently taken to the Niguarda hospital, where he arrived in code red with internal injuries and fractures to his upper limbs and pelvis. Despite doctors’ efforts, he died two days after arriving at the emergency room.

The dynamics of the accident

According to what has been reconstructed, the 50-year-old’s motorbike, a Yamaha MT07, came from the city center and was traveling along Via Padova in the direction outside Milan. At the intersection with Via Privata della Valle, a car entered the road (perhaps not respecting the right of way) and this is how the impact between the two vehicles occurred. But the motorcycle would have hit the left side of the car.

Violent collision between a car and a motorbike during the night in the center of Milan: a 23 year old seriously injured

The 50-year-old, as anticipated, was rescued by the 118 health workers and transported under code red to Niguarda, where he died two days after his arrival. The driver of the car, a 24-year-old girl, was taken as a precaution to the emergency room of the San Raffaele hospital in Milan.

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