Italy 24 Press News

Vigne Nuove, huge fire in the green area of ​​Rina de Liguoro (PHOTO-VIDEO)

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It exploded this morning in via Rina de Liguoro, in the neighborhood New Vineyards a huge forest fire. A vast green area was hit between via Giuseppe De Santis, Piazzale Ennio Flaiano, Viadotto dei Presidenti, via Rina de Liguoro, via Cesare Zavattini, via della Bufalotta and via Franco Arcalli.

A huge column of smoke enveloped the sky of the capital

A vast area of ​​vegetation was burned, with brushwood but also waste. An enormous column of smoke enveloped the sky of the capital, especially the area north of Rome, between Tufello, Montesacro, Serpentera and Casal Bertone.

Task force of civil protection teams with helicopter from the Lazio Region

Once the alarm was raised on the spot, the regional civil protection operations room sent a task force of volunteer teams with at least 8 pick ups and 3 tankers as well as a helicopter from the Lazio Region. Given the extent of the fire, teams from the various local detachments were sent from the fire brigade’s operations room in Via Genova. The Carabinieri were also present on site for what they were responsible for. The origin of the fire remains to be understood, whether malicious or accidental.

The area is in disastrous conditions

For years now, the area has been in disastrous conditions. The grass more than one and a half meters high has now completely invaded the sidewalk, i waste abounds and residents’ concern increases regarding the risk of fires.

“Dry brushwood everywhere”, the report said

“There are brushwood up to two meters high in some places, no one has ever intervened over the years to make the area safe”, says Leonardo, an inhabitant of the area. “There have been devastating fires which have, at times, also put the safety of the public and the petrol station at risk,” he adds. “The state of degradation and abandonment of the area is there for all to see. This year I read in an article that they also had to reopen a road that passes right through this land, to date? Nothingness,” he concludes bitterly.

Risk of further forest fires

In recent years there have been several fires, some devastating, which have affected the area. The most emblematic in 2017, 2019, 2021, 2023. History therefore seems to repeat itself almost every year. In 2017 a large fire in the evening affected the entire green area, much to the concern of residents given the proximity to two school complexes.

In 2019, however, a regional Civil Protection helicopter also had to intervene, who had to make several “launches” to slow down the fire front. “I still remember that day because I was near the school, let’s say towards the petrol station. There must have been at least 15 Civil Protection teams, as many from the Fire Brigade and law enforcement. The fire was stopped practically 2 meters from the petrol stationan impressive thing”, says Claudia. In 2021 a new fire devastated more than half of the greenery.

In 2022 another fire affected the stretch from Bufalotta to the interior. “That day there were hundreds of children in a summer center and the flames had practically reached the car parks”reports a resident. “There was a lot of risk that day but it seems that no one is interested in tackling the situation head on”, he concludes.

The neighborhood committee

“The Vigne Nuove neighborhood committee has been reporting the degradation of via Rina De Liguoro for months. The neglect and degradation below are the eyes of all citizens. In the event of another fire, considering i materials that were dumped in the area, there would also be a risk of intoxication for the people who live in the immediate vicinity and above all for the children and school staff of the two schools present on the street. We are outraged by the indifference of the institutions. In the event of a new fire it will be our concern to inform the public prosecutor’s office of Rome”announces the Vice President of the Vigne Nuove neighborhood committee Ivan Albertini.

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