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Moon in Scorpio, decline for Aquarius (2nd part)

L’Horoscope of the day is ready to reveal the zodiac predictions for June 17th. The second sextuplet is being analysed, i.e. that of the row from Libra to Pisces. Monday is highlighted, compared with the signs of the second zodiac sextuplet. The start of the week is excellent for Scorpio, the sign indicated by Astrology at the top of the day. Let’s start by consulting the response of the stars regarding the horoscope predictions and the classification with stars: focus on work activities and feelings.

Astrological predictions for June 17, the horoscope from Libra to Sagittarius

Balance: ★★★★★. Monday will be an excellent day in many respects, especially in family relationships and with close friends. In love, you will feel full of energy and your partner will respond with great passion. Most of the stars will be on your side. If you have a Virgo ascendant, expect new and favorable situations. Single, a promising meeting will make you smile: the wheel turns for everyone and now it’s your turn. Don’t ask yourself too many questions and don’t put too much pressure on yourself: enjoy what life offers you.

In work, it is the perfect time to improve your professional and financial position. Give it your all, the prospects are excellent. If you work for others, expect professional consolidation, more responsibility, more power and money.

Scorpio: ‘top of the day’. Extraordinary day for you. The arrival of the Moon in your sign will favor the sentimental field, making you energetic and dazzling. Take advantage of this positive period by showing greater attention and availability towards your partner. In love, you will experience a fantastic day, feeling involved in a perfect relationship and your heart will beat fast. You will feel free, without fears, immersed in your partner’s affection. Single, you will be full of enthusiasm and ready to experience a memorable day.

You will plan your day from the morning, contacting special people and organizing every detail: it will be a fabulous day! At work, the stars are aligned in your favor, bringing positive news that will make you more optimistic and open towards colleagues and collaborators.

Sagittarius: ★★★★. The horoscope for Monday for Sagittarius predicts a very positive start to the week. The day will be lively and full of favorable situations. However, avoid risky maneuvers or subterfuge to get what you want, as you risk complicating things. In love, someone could make you relive simple but pleasant experiences, reminding you that happiness does not always require grand gestures or unattainable people.

The day will bring affection and sweetness to your life as a couple, offering you the opportunity to solve some problems together with those you love. At work, you will have the opportunity to demonstrate your value and become indispensable. Don’t make promises if you’re not sure you can keep them.

Horoscope and stars for June 17, predictions from Capricorn to Pisces

Capricorn: ★★★★. The start of the week will start and end with a fair amount of positivity. Some past sacrifices will be reevaluated favorably. In love, if you are a couple, the harmony of the day will not be affected by the usual small quarrels but you will know how to get around any misunderstandings with your partner. Don’t let trivial arguments create problems.

A romantic dinner could rekindle passion and restore harmony. If you are single, you will receive confirmation that the path you have taken is the right one: an evolving situation will soon bring happiness. At work, there will be excellent opportunities for those looking for a job: don’t miss these opportunities.

Acquarium: ★★★. This upcoming Monday will not be a brilliant day for you under the sign. The stars indicate a rather sluggish start to the week, requiring patience and calm. You will feel great tiredness and little desire to overcome your limits. Don’t let this tiredness compromise your efforts, stay calm. In love, relationships with your partner could become more tense due to old unresolved problems that will resurface unexpectedly.

Avoid controversies and try to resolve tensions with diplomacy. Singles, act with caution. The desire for change will be strong, but don’t be hasty to avoid mistakes. At work, be careful of those who show a good face but plot behind your back. An envious individual may try to deceive you. Stay vigilant and don’t get caught.

Fish: ★★★★★. The horoscope for Monday 17 Juneor, promises a generous, lucky period for many of you. It will be a day full of desires and expectations, with Astrology convinced of the success of the moment. You will be supported and experiencing special emotions will be the order of the day. In love, you will be sure of your loving choice, considering it your most precious asset.

By living happily and peacefully thanks to your partner, you will fully enjoy the present without thinking too much about the future. Single, throw yourself in and take advantage of the positive influences of the Moon. If there is someone you are interested in, declare yourself without fear: dreams must be lived, without fear of making mistakes. At work, you will feel reborn, full of energy and ready to challenge the world. You will have no doubts or hesitations, ready to seize the opportunities that arise in your sector.

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