Italy 24 Press News

Canavese: the firefighters save a beautiful parrot on the roof of a house

THE Firefighters from San Maurizio Canavese went into action yesterday morning, Friday 14 June, for a “peculiar” recovery to say the least.

A kitten stuck on a roof? Trapped in the branches of a tree? A dog on a rough road that risks being run over? No, the operation these days was much more exotic: the firefighters of the Canavesano detachment were called to recover an Ara parrot, the classic yellow-blue bird native to South America.

It was beautiful – he explains to us Diego Coriascohead of the San Maurizio Fire Brigade – when it opened its wings it must have been 1.20 meters long. You may not notice it from the photos, but the bird is more than 40 centimeters tall”.

Diego Coriasco, head of the San Maurizio Fire Brigade, after saving the parrot

The volunteers were contacted by a man from San Maurizia, who kept the animal free inside his home. Due to the heat, the owners would have opened the door of the house and the parrot would have flown away.

Imagine that we found it 1 km away as the crow flies – says Coriasco – it went from the outskirts of San Maurizio, on the border with Ciriè near the railway, to the center of the city”.

The bird would be perched on a roof, resting on the lifelines and steel cables at the top of the house.

With a ladder and help from the owner, the San Maurizia police managed to recover the animal without it escaping and Coriasco himself tells us a “funny” detail.

They are very calm animals, the parrot didn’t do anything to himself but if, for example, a hawk had arrived he could have run into some problems. When we arrived he was there, on the roof, talking. “Hello Mom”. He said these words. Probably if it had only been us he would have run away, but having also seen the owner he calmed down and we managed to catch him”.

In short, all’s well that ends well: the intervention of the Fire Brigade, certainly out of the ordinary, made it possible to return their beautiful parrot to the owners within a few hours.

A heartfelt thank you to the fire brigade, detachment of San Maurizio Canavese, to its commander Diego Coriasco and to all his men for the precious daily work carried out – the owners write via social media – we managed to find our parrot in a few hours. Thank you with all my heart“.

Something about the Macaw, the “chatty” parrot

Known for its vibrant colors and extraordinary intelligence, the macaw parrot is one of the most fascinating and recognizable birds in the world thanks to its yellow, green and blue plumage. A curious species, given the ability of these animals to imitate human sounds and voices. This talent comes from their complex vocal structure. Furthermore, they are very long-lived specimens: the average lifespan of Macaws exceeds 50 years and in some cases even reaches 80; these birds, in essence, can even become lifelong companions for their owners.

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