Italy 24 Press News

Electric car license, now you drive at 16 | The turning point I’ve been waiting for all my life has arrived

You can drive electric cars even at 16 years old: the historic turning point

In Italy, to be able to drive, you must wait until you are of age. In fact, this is the only requirement that is required when enrolling in the driving school, to first take the theoretical lessons and then the practical ones in view of the exam that awards the much-coveted B license.

In reality, there are vehicles that can be driven even beforehand, such as, for example, a scooter: this can be conquered starting from the age of 14, minimum age required for the AM license. This vehicle, however, is not suitable for all seasons and, above all, cannot be used for very long journeys.

Today we are talking about something new that will drive all sixteen-year-olds crazy and which anticipates the age of independence by two years: starting from this age, in fact, it will be possible drive electric cars and, for these means, there are also many incentives.

Electric cars from 16 years old: what to know

Already when you are 16 you can start driving a car in Italy. This obviously does not apply to all types of vehicles but only what are called “minicars” with a maximum speed of 90 km/h, a power not exceeding 15 kW and a mass in running order not exceeding 450 kg. Electric minicars also belong to this category, unlike petrol ones, they have more power and therefore can reach higher speeds.

Furthermore, during this period, to purchase one of these vehicles it is also possible to enjoy the Ecobonus incentives. Even without scrapping a previous vehicle, there is a possibility of purchasing an electric quadricycle the 30% incentive on the price of sale, for a maximum of 3 thousand euros. However, if you scrap a vehicle from Euro 0 to Euro 3 that you have owned or registered for at least one year, the incentive rises to 40%.

Now you drive electric cars at 16: here’s the incredible news ( / depositphotos)

Some examples of minicars for 16 year olds

An example of an electric minicar that can be driven at the age of 16 is that of Microlino, from the Koelliker group. Perfect for everyday use, it boasts a capacity of 230 liters and can be found with three different batteries: 6, 10.5 or 14 kWh, which guarantee ranges of 91, 177 and 230 km/h.

Only 2500 mm long, it is easy to park anywhere and for the price starting from 21,900 euros of the Dolce version, rising to 22,900 euros for the Competizione model.

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