Italy 24 Press News

Threatened with death after work lawsuit, 2 already released from prison

Letterio’s stay behind bars lasted very little By Giorgio Giannitto and Carmelo Crinò, arrested last Wednesday on charges of threatening a former employee of Giannitto’s company, after the labor lawsuit brought by the latter. Judge Ornella Pastorand accepted the request of the lawyer Carmelo Eyed, defender of Di Giorgio Giannitto, and granted house arrest to the 81-year-old for health reasons. After questioning him, the judge also released the 77-year-old Crinò from prison, at the request of the lawyer Decimo Lo Presti. Crinò, convicted and considered by investigators to be part of the Barcelona clan, answered all the questions by speaking of boasted credit.

I face to face with the judge

Meanwhile, today the 81-year-old and his son Ivan Di Giorgio Giannitto, who was placed under house arrest a few days ago, were also questioned by the judge for preliminary investigations. Both accompanied by the lawyer Occhiuto, they also denied the threats. The defender announces the appeal to the Review Court to obtain the release of both.

The complaint

The arrest came after the Carabinieri investigation, which started with the complaint from the alleged victim. The former employee of the Giannitto company had sued them before the Labor Court, requesting over 500 thousand euros in unpaid dues and contributions for over 20 years of activity. After the start of the trial, he told the ex-employee to the military and to the deputy prosecutor of the Anti-Mafia District Francesco Massara, owner of the case, was approached by the two former employers who allegedly heavily threatened him to withdraw the complaint. And Crinò also approached him, leveraging his “11 years in prison”. Furthermore, a witness in his favor would also have been intimidated.

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