Italy 24 Press News

Cities Skylines 2 removes homeowners, in order to cut rental prices

As in real life, also within the video game Cities Skylines 2 there is a serious problem at the level of rental costsas the simulator of life and city creation offers an experience as close as possible to what we see in our daily lives, capable of giving us satisfaction, but also a lot of headaches. Among the latter it stands out by clear distinction the aforementioned problem of the cost of rentcalculated all too well based on the growth of the town itself.

This offers a higher difficulty component that pushes the Cities Skylines 2 player to make serious efforts to maintain an adequate standard of living within the game. But unfortunately, sometimes, is not sufficientas the main ones reports they concern precisely the cost of rent, defined as unsustainable given that it is calculated with a formula that takes into account the value of the entire city, that of the building, its level and other componentsoften making it too high, as if the owners were forced to adapt prices to the changes or simply put their approval first.

The result is a dissatisfied citizen who also decides to move out of the city to afford a better lifestyle or many homes and buildings without people renting. However, in Cities Skylines 2 this is more than just a player skill issue, also recognized by the Colossal Order developers themselveswho have finally decided to act and apply a solution potentially effective in reducing the problem of high rents.

Cities Skylines 2 without “virtual landlords”

Just take a look at the Reddit dedicated to Cities Skylines 2 to understand how serious a problem this was, with some discussions being only a fraction of the whole. For example, a user saw something pop up in a post many “High Rental” icons shortly after the construction of his city began, something inexplicable and a problem that shouldn’t have arisen so quickly. After several weeks in which there was a lot of feedback, Colossal Order has decided to act, launching a substantial update entitled Economy 2.0 – Part 2.

Thanks to it, the concept of “virtual landlords” is removedor the so-called homeowners who, apparently, had it in their hands decision-making power over rents, without the knowledge of the players, who had no idea of ​​the existence of these subjects. With their removal and an adjustment in behavior, citizens in Cities Skylines 2 should start to look for more affordable homes and move within the citywithout necessarily abandoning it.

Furthermore, a simpler rent calculation should help citizens to feel better in the city, also helping them to afford the house of their choice, so that the multiple “High Rent” notices disappear with time. If even this isn’t enough, the main recommendations concern building a greater number of smaller houses in the suburban areas or around the city, controlling unemployment and therefore increasing jobs and, as should also be the case in reality, decreasing unemployment. taxes.

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