Italy 24 Press News

Violent Ortigia, big brawl in broad daylight, one injured in hospital – BlogSicilia

A huge brawl, which reportedly involved around ten people, broke out late on Wednesday morning at Molo Zanagora, in Ortigia, in the Porto Grande area.

Injured in hospital

The reasons why the fight broke out are not clear, what is certain is that only one person, a man, sought treatment in the emergency room of the Umberto I hospital. When he was interviewed to find out what had happened to the injured man, who only suffered a few bruises to the point of being discharged immediately, preferred to be vague.

The police investigations

The investigations are being conducted by agents of the Syracuse Flying Squad who are trying to reconstruct the story, starting with the participants in the fight. We will start from the injured person, trying to reveal his network of acquaintances where the other men who were involved in the fight could hide.

Violent Sicily, brawl also in Palermo

Maxi brawl in recent weeks in via Dante in Palermo. A violent argument broke out between some citizens originally from Sri Lanka. Punches, kicks and blows with bars and bottles. When the police arrived they found a single young man aged 30 on the ground with serious injuries to his head and body. He was transported by the 118 health workers to the Cervello hospital. The military acquired images from video surveillance systems to try to trace those who took part in the brawl. It is not clear what caused the fight.

Another fight

A 54-year-old woman was reported for the big brawl that occurred in Palermo in via Ferrara on the corner of via De Spuches. An attack with bottles involving several people who fled as soon as the police arrived. Several cars were damaged during the dispute. Only the woman remained in the area and tried to get into her car. At this point some witnesses told the police that the woman had taken part in the brawl in the street.

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