Italy 24 Press News

Gioia Tauro, pretends to be a member of the Red Brigades and threatens social media users with death

The revolutionary army has promulgated a definitive death sentence“, this is just one of the messages that appeared in comments on video YouTube with the signature Brigate Rosse. Videos whose contents were deemed unsuitable and therefore punishable by the “summary justice“. Thus an Italian resident in Trentino Alto Adige allegedly made death threats and threatening messages which also suggested an attempt to stalking.

The Carabinieri of Gioia Tauro immediately understood the problem danger of this character, not underestimating the contents of the messages he published. The Special Operational Group of the Carabinieri was also involved in the subsequent investigations, which conducted all the necessary investigations, thanks to the very high specialization of its staff. We then traced the person held responsible for the threatening comments. Thanks to the investigations it was therefore possible to discover that in reality the author of the messages did not have any type of contact with the subversive circles of the Red Brigades or the New Red Brigades.

Gioia Tauro, the threats of the false Red Brigade member

The first comment published by the citizen of Trentino Alto Adige was aimed at a video published on YouTube by two politicians. “The revolutionary army has promulgated a definitive death sentence“, so the man ended up under the magnifying glass of the Gioia Tauro police, who were immediately worried about the appearance of the message. Since that moment, several threatening comments, often bearing the signature of the Red Brigades, the New Red Brigades or the Fighting Communist Partyhave started to appear on the social platform.

We know where you live, what you eat, what time you took the train“, the death sentence will be carried out by the proletarian firing squad“, was the tenor of some comments which, after a short time, were immediately removed by the author. Unfortunately for him, however, the Gioia Tauro police forces had already come into possession of the messages and on the basis of them they tried to trace their author.

The main difficulty in the investigation was the fact that the author, or the alleged authors, used different accounts, all with nickname false. Some of these also had the acronym KGB in their names. Thanks to the investigations, however, it was possible to identify the Trentino citizen, who is therefore presumed to have acted alone.

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