Italy 24 Press News

“Enough attacks”, Liguria Rainbow and Arcigay after the near brawl in the city council

“The LGBTQIA+ community is under attack.” Thus the Arcigay and Liguria Rainbow associations, in two interventions, comment on the events of last Tuesday in the city council, where the discussion on pride turned into a political brawl between the majority and the opposition, with the near fight between the president of the city council Carmelo Cassibba and the leader of the Democratic Party Simone D’Angelo.

“Homolesbobiatransphobia is on stage in the City Council (and there is even the risk of a fight). – write the representatives of Liguria Rainbow – There are those who talk too much about gender theory, those who lose their temper and the opposition abandons the room. Before and during the Liguria Pride Village, representatives of the League had already come out with disjointed and threatening remarks due to the presence of the Village Kids in the program of events. And, in the first city council meeting after the European vote and after the fabulous Liguria Pride on Saturday 8 June, here it is the ghost of gender theory returns and raises tension in the classroom.

Following Filippo Bruzzone’s intervention in support of the community that marched at Liguria Pride, Lega, Fratelli d’Italia and Forza Italia stood out for disturbing and unconventional statements, claiming that the Village Kids program had the aim of ‘manipulate the minds’ of children (girls don’t exist) through play, ‘trying to change their perception of life and sexuality’.

That ‘the family is only one made up of a mother and a father, not two mothers or two fathers’. Who oppose those who want to introduce (the non-existent) gender theory in schools and that the natural family remains “the only resistance to any form of anti-human penetration”. The Order of female and male psychologists has expressed its opinion on these issues Liguria with a statement that those who govern us should try to read. The right-wingers speak with their backs to the future: a bad signal for the whole city.
Will they have seen voting trends based on age and education? Yes, because in addition to the loss of absolute votes, the right must also record the clear rejection of their positions by the under 30 vote. Have they seen the young people at Pride? We were 35 thousand, mostly very young with their expressions of gender, identity, sexual orientation outside the constraints of “traditional” roles (a true timeless and historyless myth). Proud of having nothing to do with this administration, the best response was given by the citizens for us with the enthusiastic participation in the Village and Pride. The ‘queer fury’ doesn’t stop. Whoever manages us, yes.”

“On Tuesday 11 June – write the representatives of Arcigay – the hall of the Genoa City Council was transformed from a place of administration and dialogue between the political parties to a pulpit from which to spread anti-scientific and baseless ideas. The dangerous and offensive words of the Councilor Laura Gaggero (Brothers of Italy) once again express exclusionary and ignorant positions, both personal and party-related. Addressing the activities and workshops for families, children and girls proposed during the Liguria Pride Village, the Councilor believes that they express ‘the desire to manipulate children’s minds by trying to change their perception of life and sexuality.

Citing ‘their’ ethics, education and culture, the Councilor repeats once again that Fratelli d’Italia is ‘against gender ideology and that there is only one family, made up of a mother and a father; not from two mothers; not from two dads’ and who will oppose anyone who wants to propose different visions and existences by supporting only the ‘natural family’ and the ‘culture of life’.

Fratelli d’Italia, in the company of the League, brings the concept of the so-called ‘gender ideology’ back into the halls of the City Council. A theory that has been denied and dismantled by many parties, professional associations, national and European bodies.

In recent days, the Order of Psychologists of Liguria also shared the contribution of the Italian Association of Psychology (Aip) through a press release, reiterating how ‘the concept of gender ideology is scientifically unfounded. The AIP highlighted the importance of Gender Studies and Gay and Lesbian Studies, which have made significant contributions in various disciplinary fields and helped reduce prejudice and discrimination based on gender and sexual orientation.

We support and claim the importance of activities such as those proposed during the Liguria Pride Village. Offering moments of reflection and training to boys and girls, families and all citizens is essential to raise awareness and actively involve them on the issue of the rights of LGBTQIA+ people and same-parent families.

Every year Arcigay Genova also offers training courses aimed at schools, associations and companies and despite opposition and attempts at exploitation the courses always result in important opportunities for reflection and personal and group growth. The League and Brothers of Italy could also learn this if they only decided to abandon imaginary theories and ask us for a moment of real training on the issues.

We thank the various political parties who tried to act as a counterpoint to the intervention, which was as sad as it was expected. Filippo Bruzzone and Simone d’Angelo (Pd) shortly before proposed a motion ‘in support of the LGBTQ+ community during pride month’. Councilor Cristina Lodi (mixed group) and Councilor Rita Bruzzone (Pd) who underlined the importance of educational activities that promote common living and combat episodes of homolesbian, transphobic bullying and social exclusion. We join in the concerns of a return to the Middle Ages, both on the topic of the rights of LGBTQ+ people as well as on women’s rights and on the discussion of law 194.

While the intentions of establishing adequate education on sexuality and affectivity in schools remain unheeded, we continue with conviction in proposing training opportunities aimed at schools, families and associations. We continue to focus on all rights and people under attack with the certainty and foundation of data and studies that demonstrate that these actions really reduce incidents of discrimination, bullying and social exclusion.”

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