Italy 24 Press News

Large carnivores in Trentino: training meeting with the police | Gazzetta delle Valli

This condition in fact frequently involves interventions, in every place and for innumerable institutional reasons, which could lead the soldiers of the Carabinieri, before any other public personnel, to occasionally interact with plantigrades (for example intervention in night-time road accidents, search for people disappearances in inaccessible areas, investigation activities in isolated places, requests for help).

In terms of content and completeness of treatment, the seminar will allow the men of the army to further understand the dynamics that characterize the communities of bears and wolves sedentary here and the related possibilities of interaction with human beings, encouraging, especially at a peripheral level, greater inter-institutional synergy in the management/prevention of any critical situations and more generally in the comparison at local level of all the possible problems felt by the communities served (also in terms of information support regarding the structures of the Provincial Forestry Corps).

The initiative, also shared in advance in some recent provincial public order and safety committees, is also consistent with the specific provisions of the so-called Pacobace, which, among others, indicate “the need to have, even within the Public Security Bodies, personnel informed about the management problems of the species, a fundamental prerequisite for active collaboration in bear management”.

Today’s session, the first of three meetings, opened with the greetings ofprovincial councilor Failoni (accompanied by Colonel Giovannini and Doctor Brugnoli, managers respectively of the Forestry Service and the Wildlife Service of the PAT, as well as by the colonel Ederle).

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