Italy 24 Press News

Dear Cristina who died at sea, Naples asks you for forgiveness

Dear Cristina,

Naples asks you for forgiveness, it would like to hide behind your eyes with the colors of the sea, and sink in your place, without being able to re-emerge due to shame, in the same body of water in front of Villa Rosebery, the Neapolitan residence of the President of the Republic. It’s not possible because your smile, which gave off life and infected those around you, extinguished it forever, precisely that Naples that you chose for a future of work of excellence and loved viscerally for its natural beauty.

We want to imagine you traveling peacefully among the stars, as your parents wrote, and we will never lose your thirst for discovery and your enthusiasm for life, but we have decided to write you this letter hoping that you will get up there because we feel the meaning in our skin. of guilt, the emptiness and bewilderment that knowing that you lost your life produces in us kayakwhile you were there with your adventure companion, torn apart by the propeller of the cabin cruiser of a lawyer and six traveling companions who didn’t notice anything.

We would like you to know that we consider you a daughter of Naples, a researcher from Voghera Pavia, Lombardy – who chooses Escape – yes Scampia, suburb of Naples – to do highly specialized training at the Pharma Tech Academy, the first in Italy dedicated to RNA drugs, which would have allowed you to become a specialist in gene therapy and opened the doors to the career you had always dreamed of . Because you Cristina had made this choice, you had only put companies from Campania in your list of preferences, you knew that your work would be here, in the front row, in the frontier of the future of therapies to defeat the cancer.

We, always we, who had given you this opportunity for a future, have taken away from you the life that brought that hope for the future and, from these columns, we want to shout that we have the duty not so much to give rules to the “sea of ​​death”, because the rules of the navigation code are there, but to improve them where necessary, above all to enforce them, to secure them with all possible controls, and to make them become a common body of a collective conscience that stops moving further and further, between sloth, disenchantment and complicity, the mark of illegality compared to that of legality.

There’s a collective examination to be overcome which calls into question the technical authorities in charge, the human and technological resources employed, and no less the sense of awareness and maturity regarding education, the rigor in exams on nautical licenses, a collective spirit of discipline which at odds with prevarication. These are all founding characteristics of a political and civil community on which no compromises can be made. These are unavoidable steps for both large and small responsibilities.

Only in this way will we be able, at least in part, not to make the highest sacrifice useless Christina. Which has become, despite itself, the battered symbol of a new Naples that attracts intelligence and capital, of a widespread and profound phenomenon of rebirth that must not arrive, but which already exists. Because just to give an example, among the many who tell the story of the return of brains to Naples, not the flight from the past that still continues but slows down that everyone chatters about, there is Mariafelicia De Laurentis, an excellence in astrophysics who returned from abroad at the “base” of his first studies which is the Federico II University of Naples, in turn the driving force of Scampia chosen by Cristina, to direct a team of 300 people that deals with black holes in the universe with record-breaking results of global significance.

This Naples of the future cannot afford to have other Cristinas. It cannot allow that in a bay that has a density of vessel traffic second only to that of Hong Kong too many do as they want. No, that’s enough! At sea and on land, where leaks appear, they must be closed immediately precisely because the perception of security in Naples has improved, greatly and rightly so, thanks to the commitment of the Ministry of the Interior and the administration. Precisely because, also thanks to all this, the numbers tell us about a Naples as the capital of the future and of the Mediterranean and of a Campania that innovates, collects industrial and service records, and attracts researchers and tourists from all over the world to an increasingly significant extent. world. We must act immediately and firmly in the areas that remain out of control. We owe it to Cristina and her family, we owe it to ourselves and to our children. We have to do it.


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