Italy 24 Press News

He sets fire to his family’s house and flees, three people burned – BlogSicilia

Flames in a house in Vittoria at first light. A man of Tunisian origins set fire to his home in Piazza dell’Unità in Vittoria, in the Ragusa area. Three people, his family members, were burned and were transported to the local hospital but could be transferred due to the burns suffered at Cannizzaro in Catania.

The man has disappeared without a trace for now and the police are looking for him.

The police officers are trying to shed light on what happened in the house in the Trinità neighbourhood, almost adjacent to the former deconsecrated church which also gives its name to the neighbourhood. The causes of the incident are not yet known, i.e. whether it was an accident or whether the fire was the work of the man who would have lost track of him for the moment.

It seems that there had been disagreements in the family for some time, which in all likelihood resulted in tonight’s episode. Firefighters intervened to put out the flames caused, according to initial findings, by an improvised torch.

The fire that destroyed the bathing establishment in Marina di Modica

At the end of January a fire broke out and destroyed the South Lido which is located in Marina di Modica in the Ragusa area. The structure had changed management over a month earlier and had been purchased by an entrepreneurial group. It is not known what caused the fire.

Once the alarm was raised, an operational team of firefighters from the Modica detachment and personnel with tankers from the Ragusa headquarters arrived on site. The firefighters immediately put out the fire, but the wooden structure was completely destroyed. During the excited moments a cylinder also exploded. Nobody was injured.

In addition to the firefighters, Modica police personnel arrived on site. This morning there were still active outbreaks and the firefighters were still busy extinguishing them. Investigations are underway to understand the exact dynamics of the fire: at the moment all leads remain open.

The operational team of the Modica detachment and personnel with tankers from the Ragusa headquarters intervened in Marina di Modica for the fire that broke out in the “Lido Sud” chalet, on the beach, in the coastal hamlet. The wooden structure was completely destroyed, and a cylinder involved in the fire first exploded and then the contents exploded, however without further damage to property or people.

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