Italy 24 Press News

Sollecito and I were psychologically tortured”

“I didn’t slander anyone, I was tortured by the police. As the European Court of Human Rights recognized, my rights were violated. I am a victim, as is Patrick: we are victims of the same people and the same facts” . He said it Amanda Knoxguest a Five minutes, regarding the 3-year sentence for slander against Patrick Lumumba.

“I didn’t know who killed Meredith – he explained – I think it was Rudy Guede who killed my friend, who was already known for being a very aggressive person with women and therefore it doesn’t surprise me that he ended up doing this terrible thing. , tragic crime. Raffaele Sollecito and I went through a terrible thing together. He is always a very important person for me, we have grown up for forty years in four and so yes, we are close even if we are far away.”

“We were both psychologically tortured by the investigators – he adds speaking of Sollecito – we survived together. He is a very good person who, even after a week of being together before this whole tragedy, always wanted to do the right thing. People did pressure on him to throw me in the garbage, because he barely knew me. But he did the right thing right away and always wanted to be with me, because he knew I was innocent.”

That night still weighs heavily on his life, he says. “I was an anonymous student before this thing and I became the most hated girl in the world. I was accused of murder, of slander, I represented all the bad things one can think of a woman and now, as a mother, I feel the burden of this stigma and I am here to reiterate that I have always told the truth, I have been right all along and I am innocent.”

“I want history to remember the truth for my children too, because they don’t have to live under this dark cloud”, he continues before making a nod to the Chico Forti story: “Now he has returned to Italy – said Amanda Knox – finally. But it’s a tragic story, which also happened in my country. Let’s hope it gets out.”

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