Italy 24 Press News

yet another accident in the “ghost roundabout” of Borgo Incile –

New accident in the “ghost roundabout” of Borgo Incile around 6pm today: a Tua bus and a car were involved. Firefighters, ambulance and traffic police were on site. The small car, which was coming up from the Circumfugia, convinced that it was on a roundabout, did not give priority to the oncoming bus and was hit head-on.

The dynamics are always the same and it is clear to everyone what causes the accidents, which now occur more than weekly. It happens that many of the motorists and truck drivers who take that “roundabout”, in particular those who come down from via Nobel or go up from the circumfugian road, often do not realize that in reality they are not traveling on a real “roundabout” and that the danger is lurking.

Also due to the absence of adequate horizontal signs erased by wear and years, those who are driving the vehicle – and who are often not even local – understand only after the impact that that road ring is actually cut in half by a high-traffic and dual-designation artery, the provincial road 22 and via Cavour.

We have already written in detail about the forty-year history of this phantom roundabout, about the responsibilities and conflicts of competence that are at the origin of this long chain of accidents, in this article here:

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