Italy 24 Press News

“Impossible trajectory, I had so much speed. I’m in control”

Irrepressible Greg. Thanks to a simply exceptional performance, Gregorio Paltrinieri gave the first gold medal for the Italian national cross-country swimming teamtriumphing with merit in the men’s 10 km race.

A test that of blue is capitalized who, having arrived one kilometer from the finish line, broke the pace by changing course, defeating the competition and outsprinting even specialists of the caliber of Rasovszki and Oliver. The Campionissimo was very satisfied and, once he arrived in the mixed zone, he commented on what he had done:

When I do races like this I feel good. I feel in control – Greg said on federal channels – Water at 27 degrees, flat water, characteristics I like. However, I struggled until halfway through, when I still didn’t have very good sensations, then I got in front and started swimming better. On the third, fourth and fifth lap I was in front, then on the last they put me in the middle, surrounded me a bit, Marcolino Olivier on one side and Mimmo on the other, and I wasn’t able to swim much.”

Paltrinieri then concluded: “So the last stretch I made an impossible trajectory: I really went very inside trying to distance them and it worked. I had a lot of speed, I could feel it. I felt I could take a step that the others, at that moment, didn’t have. The only alternative was to move away a lot and go the other way. They, however, remained external. At the last mark I realized I was alone and I arrived so wellAnd”.

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