Italy 24 Press News

Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia –

Udine, 11 June – “Sustainability and innovation are key themes rightly addressed in connection with economic and environmental issues in the 2019 manifesto signed by the Universities. I believe, however, that Covid and Pnrr have led us to pay deep and particular attention to social innovation. The evolution of cities, the transformation of relationships, which before the pandemic were firm and standardized, are today at the center of a revolution that politics and the scientific world must take charge of.”
This is the message that the regional councilor for Work, Education, Training, University, Research and Family brought today to the national conference “Universities for the sustainable development of the country”, inaugurated in the early afternoon at Palazzo di Toppo Wasserman. Scheduled until tomorrow, Wednesday 12 June, the event is organized by the University of Udine and the Network of Universities for Sustainable Development (RUS), with the patronage of the Conference of Rectors of Italian Universities (Crui).
“I am happy that universities have become bearers of a commitment like this – remarked Rosolen -. I remember that universities have three missions: teaching, which once again must compete with social innovation, research and the diffusion of knowledge, the latter understood not only as technological transfer but also as the transfer of knowledge to the political class”.
“I believe – concluded the councilor – that we must think through challenges. The Region has also identified the University as the subject to imagine how to build a new training and higher education system that accompanies the varied territory of Friuli Venezia Giulia to imagine spaces and new opportunities”.
At the opening of the proceedings, after greetings from the rector Roberto Pinton and the mayor of Udine Alberto Felice De Toni, a video message was also broadcast from the governor of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region Massimiliano Fedriga, who in turn thanked the organizers for having awarded a strategic role for universities in defining sustainable development models.
There are more than 50 universities participating in the national conference “Universities for the country’s sustainable development” which aims to renew the manifesto signed in May 2019 “From Universities for Sustainability to Sustainability in Universities”. The work then continued with the institutional roundtable, introduced and moderated by the president of the RUS, Patrizia Lombardi, and with the intervention of the president of the Crui, Giovanna Iannantuoni; This was followed by a session dedicated to the relationship between universities and cities, with the aim of comparing good practices and opportunities for experimentation, and a session focused on the social impact of universities. ARC/SSA/al

The regional councilor for Work, Education, Training, University, Research and Family today led the national conference “Universities for the sustainable development of the country”.

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