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Virtus: in a final of terrible referee management Milan wins 81-78

EA7 ARMANI OLIMPIA MILAN – VIRTUS SEGAFREDO BOLOGNA 81-78 (29-25, 17-19; 16-15, 19-19)

  • Olimpia Milan: Bortolani ne, Tonut 3, Melli 6, Napier 14, Ricci, Flaccadori 12, Hall 5, Caruso ne, Shields 13, Mirotic 21, Hines 2, Voigtmann 5. All: Messina
  • Virtus Bologna: Cordinier 4, Lundberg 11, Belinelli 10, Pajola 7, Mascolo ne, Shengelia 11, Hackett 2, Mickey 17, Polonara, Zicic 2, Dunston 6, Abass 8. All: Banchi

The complete statistics

  • Referees: C. PATERNICO’ – M. ROSSI – L. BALDINI

The news

  • Olimpia: Napier, Tonut, Shields, Mirotic, Melli
  • Virtus: Pajola, Belinelli, Cordinier, Shengelia, Dunston

First half

A start to the match characterized by balance and physicality, Olimpia goes to +4 but it is captain Belinelli who blocks the escape attempt from 6.75 in the bud. After the first 5 minutes of the game the two staff open the doors of the bench with the result of 12 all on the scoreboard. Severe referee rule and the match immediately sees many interruptions for trips to the line on both sides with Milan finding the +4, once again sewn up by 6.75 (Shengelia). Last minute of the quarter marked by triples, for Milano Flaccadori and Hall, for Virtus Lundberg and the first half ends at 29-25.

We start again from 6, 75 where Abass shortens after Mickey’s attacking rebound. The hosts continually try to escape, but the Black Vs manage to stay attached even with some personal play. Some empty turns in attack peppered with turnovers cost the Black Vs -6 who suffered the Milanese physicality, but the fouls were called only for the Bolognese who after four and a half minutes of play already found themselves in a bonus. Zizic brings his score back to -4 but Napier on the other side responds again from the perimeter, forcing Banchi to time out. With so much difficulty, Belinelli’s response arrives from the three points coming out of the block. The hosts found more offensive fluidity and returned to +7, Mickey put together 4 points in a row and the first 20 minutes of the game ended at 46-44 thanks to Pajola’s final triple.

Second half

The two teams return to the field fierce, Belinelli scores the equalizing basket, but on the other side Tonut is lost from 6.75 which brings the lead back to three points. The Black Vs are unable to impose themselves in the score, Milan is still ahead, but the guests are able to always remain at a deficit under control (55-54 after 25 minutes of play). After the +4 signed by Voigtman the attacks stalled a bit, Pajola broke the deadlock by penetrating the area and supporting the -2. At the end of the quarter, Mickey scores again a very important basket which makes it 62-59.

The last 10 minutes of the game opened with a 0-4 score which allowed Virtus to overtake, but Milan overtook with Napier against and had a 5-0 partial. Ancona Napier who extends the score, but on the other side Abass takes care of bringing him closer once again from 6.75. The bonus spent too often by the Virtussini gives the red and whites a way to unlock themselves again, then Shields in his usual isolation scores the 75-70. Mickey shortens once, then twice after Mirotic’s free throws and the score is -3 with 1:30″ to go. Shengelia scores the -1 in the final minute, Shields misses the support but in the rebounding chaos Milano emerges as the winner, finding herself with ball in hand with 15″ to go and a timeout for Messina. Abass spends the foul on Mirotic who makes 2/2 from the line giving him the new +3. Virtus has the ball in hand 12″ from the end: Lundberg is stopped by Melli, Belinelli misses the triple and in total referee confusion the ball goes to Milan who wins in a dubious ending to say the least, 81-78.

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