Italy 24 Press News

Elections. Schifani “Sicily is a historic basin of consensus for Forza Italia. Yesterday she surpassed herself”

PALERMO. “Sicily has outdone itself in these elections. Forza Italia’s numbers, 23% of the votes in the region, equal to approximately 16% of the overall votes at national level, correspond to at least one and a half percentage points of the overall excellent national result.

These data confirm that our party is the natural meeting point of moderates of liberal and pro-European inspiration and confirm Sicily as a historic basin of consensus for Forza Italia.
Just as the number of preferences received by all the candidates on the list testifies to their great commitment and roots, the many votes expressed simply on the symbol are an indication of an opinion vote that expresses appreciation for a political history that was born with the vision of Silvio Berlusconi and continues today in the great work carried out by secretary Tajani.
For all of us who, in addition to having a party role, are called to important institutional roles, all this means further responsibilities, it means even greater commitment to providing answers to our citizens and our communities.
Above all, it means giving voice and representation at all levels to the requests of citizens, businesses, civil society and families, who, in recognizing the goodness of our work, ask us to continue our work and maintain the commitments made.

This was declared by Renato Schifani, president of the National Council of Forza Italia.

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