Italy 24 Press News

Alba is unique among the major cities of Granda where the Democratic Party wins

EUROPEAN In a Piedmont where, at 8.42 on 10 June only one section remains to be scrutinized in the province of Alessandria (in Costa Vescovato) and where Fratelli d’Italia reached the share of 30.45% (against 22.95% of the Democratic Party)Alba moves in a different direction.

The Democratic Party wins in Alba: details on preferences

All 31 city sections were scrutinized, the Pd wins with 4,308 votes, 27.63%. It follows, almost a point away, Brothers of Italy, with 4,189 votes and 26.87%. With a fairly overwhelming distance, in third place are Forza Italia (12.60%) and the League (9.50%).

If you look at the preferences for individual candidates, the most voted was in the Democratic Party Cecilia Strada, with 671 votes. Giorgio Gori, former mayor of Bergamo, follows with 197 preferences. For Fratelli d’Italia, the same one received the greatest number of preferences Giorgia Meloniwith 914 votes.

In Alba, also noteworthy, for the League, as the former MEP Gianna Gancia has been surpassed by Roberto Vannacci: under the towers, the first obtained 150 preferences and the second 317.

Compared to 2019, there is a clear change in direction: five years ago, it was the league that won, with 32.66% of the votes, while the Democratic Party obtained 29.15%. Fratelli d’Italia, in an undoubtedly different scenario at a national level, had stopped at 5.11%.

In Bra, Fratelli d’Italia prevails

The scenario in Bra is different, where Giorgia Meloni’s party won with 31.04%, corresponding to 4,276 votes. Also in this case the most voted was Giorgia Meloni, with 969.

The Democratic Party closed with 22.97%, with 3,165 votes. Cecilia Strada is always in the lead among the preferences, with 419 votes.

Followed by the League (12.03%) and Forza Italia (10.75%). Even in Bra the MEP Gianna Gancia was overtaken by Vannacci.

The rest of the Province

If we look at the other major cities of the Granda, in Cuneo the Europeans see Fratelli d’Italia in the lead (28.38%), in Saluzzo always Fratelli d’Italia (34.72%), the same in Savigliano (32.04 %) and in Fossano (32.52%). Giorgia Meloni’s party also wins in Mondovì (31.02%).

Throughout the province, Fratelli d’Italia always won, with 34.71%.

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