Italy 24 Press News

Nunez Feijoo’s Popular Party wins over Pedro Sanchez’s PSOE

European elections. What are the results in Spain? With 99% of the vote counted, the People’s Party wins the elections in Spain with 22 seats, ahead of the PSOE which obtains 20. Third place is the far-right party Vox with 6 elected.

France, Bardella rejoices: «Macron call the elections». Rassemblement National soars to 32%

The exit polls

According to the Sigma 2 exit polls for RTVE, the PP, led by Dolors Montserrat, would have won the elections with 32.4% of the votes and 21-23 seats (currently 13), with a 2 point advantage over the PSOE led to the Europeans by the deputy prime minister for the ecological transition Teresa Ribera, who would remain at 30.2% and between 20 and 22 MEPs (they now have 21). Vox, with 10.4%, confirms itself as the third political force, with 6 seats (it had 4). While the left-wing platform Sumar stands as the fourth force with 6.3% and 3-4 seats, followed by the former members of Podemos with 4.4% and 2-3 seats. Ahora Republicas (coalition formed by ERC, Eh Bildu and Bng) would obtain 4.3% and 2.3 seats. While the far-right list ‘The party’s over’, of Alvise Perez, would obtain 3.9% and 2-3 seats on its debut in the European Parliament. Junts, Carles Puigdemont’s party with candidate Toni Comin would stop at 2.1%, obtaining only 1 seat. The PNV would also get 1.6% and 1 representative. In total, Spain elects 61 MEPs.

Vox: «Spain follows France, it would be wonderful»

Spain “follows the path” of France, where the president» Emmanuel Macron called early elections after the victory of Marine Le Pen’s far-right RN party in the elections for the renewal of the European Parliament. This is the hope expressed by the spokesperson of the Spanish Eurosceptic party José Antonio Fúster. “It would be wonderful if there were (general) elections and if the Spanish people were given a voice and a vote,” he added. Le Pen attended Vox’s political convention at the end of May, however Vox and Rassemblement national do not belong to the same family in the European Parliament: Santiago Abascal’s party is affiliated with the Conservatives and Reformists (Ecr), while the French party belongs to the Identity and Democracy (Id).

The Alvise Perez phenomenon

“Without resources and with the total discredit of all parties, media and governments, between insults and daily defamations, we have achieved that with a handful of free Spaniards we obtain historic results in Europe.” This is how Luis Alvise Perez, a 34-year-old from Seville, leader of ‘Se acabò la fiesta’ (Salf), the Fiesta is over, celebrated the 3 MEPs he won in his political debut at the Strasbourg Parliament at a press conference in Madrid. «Destroy the party system» and, in the footsteps of the Argentine president Javier Milei, «put up a lottery» for the salaries of MEPs, as well as «deport illegal immigrants en masse» or «open a prison for mafiosi, illegal immigrants and corrupt politicians». It is the program with which the Alvise phenomenon, a convinced anti-European, forcefully burst into the electoral campaign, ignored by the official media, but thanks to his following of 2 million followers on social media. A community of ‘ardillas’, or squirrels, climbers in the broad sense, as he calls the members of his anti-system community in Telegram, which has grown over the last 4 years, nourished by what Perez calls “authentic news” and which the rest of mortals dismiss such as fake news and hoaxes. In reality, Javier Milei’s emulator has never presented a written program or manifesto. Only cascades of catchphrases and populist slogans, like those uttered to celebrate the almost 800,00 votes – 798,525 – obtained in the European elections. “Spain has become the fiesta of criminals, the corrupt, pedophile mercenaries and rapists,” he said. To then confirm that the three Salf MEPs “will donate 100% of their public salary”, placing it at random among the followers. «We are not parasites, we have a job and income» he repeated, and then concluded with the typical «A por ellos!», «Let’s attack them»


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