Italy 24 Press News

Who won the elections and who was defeated

Also in Italy the polling stations for the European elections have closed and the counting operations have begun. Negative record turnout, which stopped at 49.5 percent. In 2019, 54.5 percent voted. SWG’s projections partially confirm the predictions of the day before, with the Brothers of Italy in clear advantage followed by the Democratic Party. The party of the prime minister, Giorgia Meloni, is at 27.5 percent, while that of Elly Schlein is at 23.2. The 5 Star Movement was third at 10.8.

For fourth place it’s a derby in the centre-right with Forza Italia at 10 percent and the League at 8.6 percent. Angelo Bonelli and Nicola Fratoianni’s Alleanza Verdi Sinistra are well above the threshold, at 6.9 percent, while both the United States of Europe (3.8 percent) and Carlo Calenda’s Action (4 percent) are at stake. ). Michele Santoro’s Peace, Land and Dignity (2), Freedom (1.5) and Popular Alternative (0.7) will certainly be out of the next European Parliament.

What’s changing in Italy

If the hierarchies emerging from the polls on 8 and 9 June were to be confirmed, many balances could change both in the majority and in the relations between the opposition parties. Among the parties that support the Meloni government, there is a derby between Forza Italia and Lega, who are competing for second place in the coalition. If Antonio Tajani’s party were to overtake, even slightly, that of Matteo Salvini, a showdown could open up in the Northern League: the generals and leaders of the north did not like the turn to the far right and above all the candidacy of General Roberto Vannacci, who will take away one of the few seats won by the “Doc” Northern League members.

In the so-called “Largo Field”, the Schlein-led PD breaks away from Giuseppe Conte’s M5S and establishes itself as the leading force of the opposition. The Five Star Movements have always been underdogs in this type of competition, because they do not have strong roots in the territory and do not have recognizable candidates capable of attracting preferential votes, but the result is still very disappointing and below expectations. The Dems could be the second force in the PSE after the party of Spanish President Pedro Sánchez in terms of number of MEPs elected: if Giorgia Meloni does not enter a future “Ursula II Majority” it could be the most influential Italian party in the next European Parliament. The one who can certainly claim victory is Avs, who probably also thanks to the candidacy of Ilaria Salis manages to easily exceed the threshold of 4 percent. However, the United States of Europe, the so-called “purpose list” of Emma Bonino and Matteo Renzi, and Action of Carlo Calenda, who risk being left out, do not shine.

The right-wing wind blows across Europe

The right-wing wind is blowing strongly in Europe but the majority that supports Ursula von der Leyen holds and leaves only a handful of seats on the field. The EPP confirms itself as the first party, followed by the Socialists & Democrats and Renew Europe. The biggest loser of the election is without a doubt Emmanuel Macron, with his party doubled by Marine Le Pen’s Rassemblement National and the rising star Jordan Bardella. The French president spoke to the nation and announced the dissolution of the National Assembly and early voting on June 30 and July 7. In Germany, Chancellor Scholz’s SPD collapses and is overtaken by the AfD. And the far right is also flying in Austria, with the Fpoe first with over 27 percent of the votes.

Article being updated.

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