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Photovoltaic: can solar panels catch fire? What you should know to prevent fires

Installing solar panels may seem risky, but with proper maintenance and installation, fire dangers can be greatly reduced

©Solar Energy Technologies Office

Home fires are a scary event, and the idea of ​​installing a complex system of solar panels that collect energy and channel it into your home’s electrical system may seem like a potential cause of fires. But is it really like that?

Solar panels can and do break down when damaged vulnerable to short circuits and other fire hazards. However, it is possible to keep your panels clean and in tip-top condition, not only to ensure optimal energy production, but also to spot potential hazards before they materialize.

The reality is that solar panels can catch fire, like any other electrical device. A German study funded by Solar Energy Technologies Office of the US Department of Energy examined fires related to solar systems in 2013, finding around 210 fires caused directly by the systems themselves, out of a total of 1.3 million operating solar systems in Germany. This corresponds to approximately 0.016% of German solar systems that have experienced fires. For comparison, in the same year, approximately 23,000 home electrical fires occurred in 122.46 million homes in the United States, or approximately 0.018% of homes.

This data suggests that solar systems are no more prone to fires than regular home electrical systems. Safety depends above all on the quality of installation and maintenance.

Prevent fires in solar systems

The most common causes of fire in solar systems are one faulty design, manufacturing defects and inadequate installation. There is no specific device that can eliminate the risk of fire. It is therefore essential to take precautions during installation and strictly follow safety guidelines.

It is essential to work with certified experts who respect local standards. Avoiding faulty components is equally important, although these can be difficult to pinpoint whether the problem is internal or manufacturing. Additionally, it is advisable to install the panels on roofs made of non-combustible materials or add a fire-resistant layer under the panels.

Regular cleaning and maintenance are crucial to identifying and resolving potential fire hazards, such as leaves, bird droppings and weather damage. While basic cleaning can be handled yourself, it’s a good idea to schedule annual checkups by professionals. Additionally, labeling power lines connected to the solar system can help firefighters quickly locate and deactivate necessary circuits in the event of a fire.

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