Italy 24 Press News

TV ratings and Auditel data on Saturday 8 June with the finale of Terra Amara and L’Acchiappatalenti and with Atletica

Auditel battle between Rai and Mediasetwith the grand finale of Bitter Earth on Canale 5, the European Athletics Championships on Rai2 and the final of The Talent Catcher on Rai1. The most watched show in prime time was the Mediaset drama. We remind you that until today, Sunday 9 June, due to a Nielsen strike, only Auditel data and Warner Bros. Discovery data are available. Here are all the data Auditel on TV ratings for Saturday 8 June.

Who won L’Acchiappatalenti on Rai1

On the evening of Saturday 8 June, the final of the show “L’Acchiappatalenti” was broadcast on Rai1: the first edition of the broadcast hosted by Milly Carlucci was won by the talent scout Mara Maionchi, who beat Wanda Nara (in second place) e Teo Mammucari (in third position).

Auditel data for Saturday 8 June

Below, here is the data on the average audience:

Below, here is the data on the average share:

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You listen to TV, how Auditel works

Auditel is a limited company whose shares belong to the various broadcasters. Photograph, minute by minute, the entire television offer by monitoring 16,100 families, representative of the entire Italian population, which form the Auditel sample, the so-called SuperPanel.

The families are equipped with electronic equipment that allows them to analyse, 24 hours on 24, their television consumption. The data is collected and published by Auditel before 10 in the morning.

Photo source: ANSA

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