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Colle Umberto. A poem for her twin sister who died at birth: Isabella Perin awarded

COLLE UMBERTO (TREVISO) – «Half survived». With this verse Isabella tells of her pain, that of losing half of her, the …

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COLLE UMBERTO (TREVISO) – «Half survived». With this verse Isabella talks about her painthat of the loss of his half, his twin sister, who passed away shortly after their first breath together. The very young poet is Isabella Perinstudent of the Tiziano Vecellio middle school from Colle Umberto, who won the prize last May 31st “I too am a poet – Marco Compagno” of the Municipality of Fossò (Venice).


«The memory of such a profound bond how is that between twins it remains over time and is not erased despite the greatest tragedy, death a few minutes after birth”, comments the president Luca Zaia. From this pain, she was born “A life for two” with which Isabella talks about the difficulty of having lost a twin sister («his / absence leaves me incomplete») and the strength to move forward for both, with the awareness and heaviness of spirit of someone who feels like a “survivor” («In an effort to be strong […]living for two”, recites the winning poem). «With an extraordinary sensitivity, the very young Isabella Perin – continues Zaia – wrote a poem for her twin Elisa, born at the end of a monochorionic pregnancy (with a single placenta and two gestational sacs, and a little girl who “takes” the blood of the other) but died 40 minutes after seeing the light”.


The pain of having to survive a sister and a daughter was also managed by Gino Cecchettinfather of Giulia, victim of femicide, who during the ceremony moved the participants with his words. Gino was indeed present at the awards ceremony of the regional poetry competition, now in its 34th edition and aimed at primary and secondary schools in the Veneto. Cecchettin was able to listen to many poems dedicated to his daughter Giulia and know the story of Marco Compagnoafter which the poetry competition is named, died at the age of 13 due to a serious illness. Marco’s parents, who had won the same award in 1995, were also present at the ceremony. Wanted by the school Galileo Galilei of Fossòthe “Anch’io Poeta” award was born in the mid-eighties becoming more and more prestigious to the point of hosting 103 little poets and their poems in this year’s edition. Isabella, together with applause and a bouquet of flowers, took home a medal offered by the Senate and delivered by Senator Raffaele Speranzon. Not only is Ilaria’s sensitivity extraordinary, but also his generosity: Perin in fact donated the prize money to the Ail association, for research against leukemia.


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The Gazzettino

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