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“Kim Rossi Stuart thought I would pick him up, but…”

Sara Ricci, during an interview, spoke of her great regret: having missed out on Kim Rossi Stuart.

Sara Ricciactress and former gieffina, he told of when he fell in love with Kim Rossi Stuart, but did not allow him to enter the house after their date; so, she never saw him again. Today, he admitted, he wouldn’t make the same mistake again.

Sara Ricci: “Kim Rossi Stuart was gorgeous, I fell in love with her immediately”

Sara Ricci, the actress who this year also participated in the Canale 5 reality show, Big Brother, was interviewed by Monica Setta at Storie di Donne al Bivio. Here, Ricci spoke about her life and her career, but also about matters of the heart. The host of the program, in fact, asked her if she had wasted any opportunities in the past, and the actress surprised her by revealing that Kim Rossi Stuart let slip. But first, Ricci told the story how they met:

I met him on set of the film by Michelangelo Antonioni and Wim Wenders, ed it was wonderfulTherefore I fell in love with it right away. First we met at Antonioni’s house where we did hair and makeup tests, and then on the set. I had these scenes with him and Ines Sastre. I had brought my partner of the momentMassimo, and nothing could happen.

Sara Ricci and the date with Kim Rossi Stuart

Ricci then revealed that, when they met again, after yearshe asked her to go out together, but she reacted in a particular way:

I saw him again after three or four years during a Luca Ronconi show, those shows that last 5 hours. I I was alone, him aloneand we continued to watch the show together. I’m very embarrassed. At a certain point he asked me: “Shall we go for a drink?”. I do not”. I ran away.

However, then they met:

We left each other’s numbers, we saw each other again, we went out, he takes me home, thinking I would pick him up… And I offered him a glass of milk outside the house! I love wine and am almost a sommelier. There’s something Freudian about it. I didn’t let him go up because I had ugly furniture, the house wasn’t in order. Today I wouldn’t make this mistake again.

The private life of Kim Rossi Stuart and Sara Ricci

While Kim Rossi Stuart is happily married to a colleaguethe actress Ilaria Spada, Sara Ricci it is declared single. In the past, however, she has had some noteworthy love stories; for example, the one with the actor Beppe Convertini, the one with the actor Alessandro Preziosi and finally the one with the cruise ship captain Gianluca Ciufferi, with whom she stayed for 15 years.

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