Italy 24 Press News

The spokesperson of the Minister of Agriculture Lollobrigida, Paolo Signorelli, has self-suspended for a chat with anti-Semitic content

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On Friday the spokesman for the Minister of Agriculture Francesco Lollobrigida of Fratelli d’Italia, Paolo Signorelli, suspended himself from office after the publication by Republic of a chat between him and the former Lazio ultras leader and Roman criminal Fabrizio Piscitelli, known as Diabolik, killed in 2019. The conversation between the two apparently took place on WhatsApp between 2018 and 2019, when Signorelli was a journalist and radio speaker on a sports radio, and was found as part of the investigation by the Rome prosecutor’s office into the murder of Piscitelli.

According to what was reported by journalists from Republicwho read the conversation, Signorelli and Piscitelli exchanged many anti-Semitic messages: Republic reports that Piscitelli said in a voice note “it’s not our fault if the Roman supporters are Jews”, to which Signorelli responded “all Jews” and also “damn them and the Jews”. Signorelli would also have praised the neo-fascist terrorists of the Years of Lead, such as Pierluigi Concutelli, among the leaders of the Ordine Nuovo terrorist organization. Signorelli would also have congratulated Piscitelli on the acquittal of another Lazio ultras and criminal, Elvis Demce, on the murder charge. It would then be told of a wedding of Signorelli’s aunt which took place with a pagan rite on Mount Soratte, where Benito Mussolini’s bunker is located. The wedding was also attended by former neo-fascist terrorists of the Revolutionary Armed Forces.

In a note published on Friday morning Signorelli announced his self-suspension, saying however that he “does not remember the conversation in question, which apparently took place many years ago”. Signorelli also wanted to “underline” that the contents of the conversation are “serious” and “very distant from me, from my thoughts and my feelings”.

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