Italy 24 Press News

Federica Torraco wins the competition for the new tourist logo of Policoro

Bernalda’s graphics win the prize, special mention for the young Antonio Caputi

Her name is Federica Torraco, graphic designer from Bernalda, the winner of the ideas competition for the creation of the new tourist logo of the city of Policoro, in the province of Matera, Basilicata. The decision was taken by the Sport, Culture and School Council after examining 42 projects.

The Municipal Administration, represented by the Deputy Mayor and Councilor for Tourism Massimiliano Padula, together with the President of the Consulta, Cristian Miccoli, also awarded a special mention to the very young Antonio Caputi di Tursi, awarded for his original drawing at the age of just 7 years.

The new tourist logo of the Ionian city was presented at a press conference in the Council Room of the Municipality of Policoro. The ideas competition, which closed on March 29th, saw the participation of 43 proposals, examined by the Sport, Culture and School Council coordinated by Cristian Miccoli, who selected the winning project.

The City Council expressed great satisfaction with the success of the tender, which attracted numerous participants. The new logo, original, new and aesthetically effective, will represent the historical, natural, landscape, gastronomic and cultural characteristics of Policoro. The objective is to strengthen the city’s identity in the national and international tourist context.

Participation in the competition was free and open to all, with a prize of 400 euros for the winner. The new logo will be the symbol of Policoro in the tourist panorama, consolidating the link between the social identity and the territorial peculiarities of the city of Eraclea.

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