Italy 24 Press News

Ferrari on fire during a wedding: shocking images of the fire

The images that reach us from France, precisely from the city of, are decidedly shocking UsselWhere a Ferrari went completely up in flamesremaining in the end only the specter of itself.

The episode occurred last Saturday, precisely around 4.40 pm as reported by the newspaper The Mountains: the Ferrari was parked in front of the town hallwaiting for a couple who were celebrating their wedding, but that day of celebration turned into a nightmare for the owner of the Maranello racing car.

We don’t know whether the car was rented or not, the fact is that, as per the images you find above, it happened a petrol leak which blocked the car’s engine. The driver then stopped and called the tow truck, but before it could be towed all hell broke looseperhaps a spark: the flames quickly began to blaze, enveloping the entire car and transforming it into a four-wheeled torch.

Within a few minutes, the firefighters they employed arrived almost an hour to put out the fire, and at the end there was almost nothing left of the car. The good news is that there were no injuries and that no other car was involved, but seeing a Prancing Horse racing car reduced to those conditions can only make your heart cry.

The fire caused a conspicuous black smoke which stood out above the town and which obviously attracted the interest of the curious, but fortunately, as mentioned above, there were no injuries, much less those who were intoxicated. From the photo, published by La Montagne, it would appear to be a 458 Italiayou can also notice a two-tone on the bonnet, a black stripe and two yellow stripes at the edges, in addition to the dark alloy wheels.

Curious as only a few weeks ago, in April, we reported similar news, that of a yellow Ferrari 458 devoured by flames in Los Angeles. Last April, however, the fire that occurred on the GRA at the Ferrari of Hysaj, a Lazio footballer, caused a sensation.

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