Italy 24 Press News

the coach terminally ill with cancer

Interviewed by Monica Setta in the broadcast Stories of Women at the Crossroadsthe lawyer Nancy Dell’Olio talked about the love story with Sven-Goran Eriksson. The former Lazio coach, terminally illis in the clinic to undergo the therapies requested by cancer to the late-stage pancreas that affected him.

Nancy Dell’Olio, the last phone call with Sven

The lawyer and socialite Nancy Dell’Olio he is a well-known face in England, also thanks to his love story with the former national coach Sven-Goran Eriksson.

The two were linked from 1998 to 2007 and their relationship took place under the eyes of the press local, which examined his passion and betrayals.

Sven-Goran Eriksson and Nancy Dell’Olio

More than ten years later, Dell’Olio returned to talk about her relationship with Eriksson, guest of Monica Setta in the night broadcast Stories of Women at the Crossroads.

The lawyer spoke about the illness that struck the man, suffering from a terminal cancer.

“It’s difficult to talk to him on the phone. – She confessed – Lately I see that she doesn’t respond to messages and they told me that He is in the clinic undergoing treatment. It’s very sad”.

“I knew he was sick, but they hadn’t told me the severity of the illness” continues the lawyer. “I learned that you had so little to live exactly the day before the press release in which you said that you had a terminal illness.”

News arrived suddenly: “When we spoke on the phone, this was in March, he told me: ‘No, I really feel good’I can’t think that…”

Coach Sven-Goran Eriksson is terminally ill

Sven-Goran Erikssonthe coach of the English national team and the coach who led Lazio to their last scudetto, revealed last February that he had pancreatic cancer:

I have terminal cancer, I can slow it down but not operate on it. I have a year left to live.

The news arrived a year after the coach announced his retirement from football for health reasons”.

The cancer was discovered at an already terminal stage, and the diagnosis leaves little to be done: “Best case scenario I have a year leftat worst even less.”

Eriksson, 74 years old and a life dedicated to football, is returned to the Olympic Stadium in Rome last May 27th, to greet the team and fans on the last day of the championship.

To embrace him, the affectionate screams of over 50 thousand fansarrived to say goodbye to the coach who led Lazio between 1997 and 2001.

Photo source: ANSA

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