Italy 24 Press News

Collision between a car and a lorry on the A52, two dead and two injured – News

Two people died and two were seriously injured this morning in a road accident that occurred in the Milan area, on the A52 between Pero and Cerchiate, between a car and a truck involving 4 young people between 18 and 29 years old. This was announced by the Milan Fire Brigade, who were busy enabling the 118 rescue service. The traffic police also intervened.

According to initial information, the very serious road accident occurred around 6 am on the junction between the A8 and A4 which leads from Pero (Milan), along the Sempione state road 33, just before the Cerchiarello tunnel, heading north.

The crash, the circumstances of which are still being reconstructed, occurred in front of the large Rho-Pero exhibition complex. According to what was reported by 118, the deceased and injured are all boys, males. The ones who fared the worst were the driver, aged 25, and a boy behind him, whose age is not yet known, who died instantly or immediately afterwards.

Video Car-truck collision, two dead and two injured in the Milan area

The two injured, however, are the passenger next to the driver, a twenty-year-old hospitalized in Niguarda hospital in Milan with head, abdominal and limb trauma in more serious conditions, and an 18-year-old transported to San Carlo in Milan for facial trauma .

It would have been the car in which the four young people were traveling that hit the truck in the accident that this morning, in the Milan area, caused the death of two of the four boys and the injury of the other two. These are the first hypotheses on the dynamics that emerged from the investigations of the traffic police. The two vehicles were traveling in the same direction when, a few minutes after 8am, they entered the Cerchiarello tunnel, along the Sempione state road 36 which immediately after becomes the junction of the A52, heading north-west. The driver of the car, a white Volkswagen Beetle, apparently lost control and ended up hitting the truck. Both vehicles then finished the race outside the tunnel, where the car stopped and overturned. Inside were the two victims, Brad Rossi, aged 27, and Richard Busnelli, aged 29, and two other young people, aged 20 and 18, who are in serious condition, hospitalized respectively in the San Carlo and Niguarda hospitals in Milan. The four young people were on their way to work and appear to belong to the nomadic community of Pero (Milan).

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