Italy 24 Press News

Last day of service for the Alpine grandparents vigilant near the Gissi schools

GISSI. With today, the last day of school of this educational year, the Gissi alpine group will complete the commitment made with the municipal administration for monitoring both entry and exit in front of the entrance to the elementary school, as “alpine grandfather traffic warden”.

This service has been guaranteed by the local Alpine group for several years and apparently it is very welcome and appreciated both by the teaching group of the institute and by the municipal administration as well as the traffic police force, but above all by the parents of the children who attend the school.

The children (students) have now become accustomed to seeing the presence of this individual with a military green hat equipped with a black pen, who apparently seems to terrify, but in reality he has a very tender heart, especially towards the children themselves.

The entire Alpine group of Gissi thanks the municipal administration, the police officers, the teaching group, the parents of the children and all the children pupils of this institute for the welcome and patience shown towards the vigilant Alpine grandfather, wishing everyone happy holidays and see you next academic year.

Last day of service for the Alpine grandparents vigilant near the Gissi schools


Last day of service for the Alpine grandparents vigilant near the Gissi schools


Last day of service for the Alpine grandparents vigilant near the Gissi schools


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