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‘The road of books passes through…’ by Leggiamo: readings in 61 municipalities

From 6 June to 20 September the theme of water will be at the center of the seventh edition of the exhibition which is part of the LeggiAMO 0-18 project

It is the theme of water expressed in sources, jets and waves (but also rivers, streams, irrigation ditches, waterfalls, wells and the sea) the underlying theme of the summer reading promotion event ‘The road of books passes through…’ of the LeggiAMO 0-18 FVG projectarrived at seventh edition.

From 6 June to 20 September, 61 Municipalities of Friuli Venezia Giulia will host a series of events aimed at to boys and girls, but also to their familieswith the aim of introducing the little ones to reading and books, creating alternative paths and unusual paths, also through different and complementary languages.

The exhibition is part of the reading promotion project of the Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia LeggiAMO 0-18 FVG also thanks to the collaboration of the municipal administrations involved, libraries and library systems and is conceived and produced by the partner LeggiAMO 0-18 FVG Damatrà Onlus.

Grow the community of readers.

LeggiAMO 0-18 FVG aims to grow the community of readers and has as a partner CCM – Cultural Consortium of Monfalconese (project coordinator), CSB – Center for Child Health, Damatrà Onlus, AIB Italian Library Association – FVG Section, Radio Magica ETS Foundation, Paediatricians’ Cultural Association, Friuli Venezia Giulia Regional School Office.

“The road of books passes through… it is a laudable initiative that the Region has long willingly included in the ReadAMO 0-18 reading promotion project, with which it intends to lay the foundations, from early childhood, for a society made up of people who read, inform themselves and know how to think”, underlined the Vice President of the Region and Councilor for Culture Mario Anzil. “It is a road, the one that books travel outside of libraries through the stages of this exhibition, which leads children to a love of reading, curiosity and experimentation.. A summer-long journey that offers opportunities to get to know and learn and do it together, encouraging sociality and outdoors, in some of the places in our region where beauty is the main ingredient”.

The theme of water is also strongly linked to our territory rich in rivers, lakes, springs and overlooking the lagoon and the sea and offers numerous ideas as can be seen from the varied program of meetings. Happy journey therefore, to young readers, parents and operators, towards knowledge!

The collaboration of the Municipalities is important.

“We appreciate it very much,” he said Davide IannisPresident of the Monfalconese Cultural Consortium which coordinates the project – the collaboration of the numerous Municipalities that enthusiastically join ‘The book road passes through…’ every year, which has an important role in promoting reading also thanks to its widespread diffusion. Not only that: events of this type are fundamental for the involvement of citizens and for enhancing the beauty of our territory”.

“Libraries and municipal administrations surprise us every year with the perfect places in which they host us, increasingly aware and diligent in finding the right place that provides the ideal setting for the stories told – is the comment of Tomas Sione, Vice President Damatrà Onlus -. These are always places capable of enhancing the stories and the theme of the year. For us it is very nice to see how more and more moments of aggregation are built around the event with the communities, who, on foot, by bicycle and this year also by boat, reach the places to dive into the stories”.

The event aims to combine the promotion of reading with other cultural promotion paths present in the area, to activate synergies aimed at the growth of the entire community.

Water in all its forms, a resource of life and stories.

The theme around which the ‘The road of books passes by…’ 2024 calendar is developed it is water in all its forms, an irreplaceable resource and cradle of civilization, but above all an inexhaustible source of stories. Every year children are invited to explore reading in many ways, with different languages ​​and scenarios, alternating in various roles: reader, listener, user, actor.

Not just pages, therefore, but also words, music, cinema, theatre, experiments in the events that will take place throughout the summer in the 61 participating municipalities.

The proposals on the calendar.

There are 11 types of events proposed during the summer festivalall suitable for girls and boys, free, but with reservations required.

We begin on June 6when a Palmanova the first appointment takes place with Water stories edited by Luca Zalateu. These are narratives as unstoppable as water, which whisper a sweet song, but are also capable of overwhelming the audience with waves of emotions. The other locations hosting this meeting are Venzone, Treppo Grande, San Pier d’Isonzo, Pagnacco, Pavia di Udine, Vito d’Asio, Manzano, Basiliano, Ravascletto, Nimis and Morsano al Tagliamento.

It kicks off at Lame L’11 June There is room for everyone by Damatrà onlus. Noah – complete with the ark and all the animals of all kinds on board – is at the center of the story in which water, in the form of rain, is the protagonist from the first moment, while a special library is born from a tiny laboratory. The other appointments with C’è posto per tutti are at Brugnera, Chions, Prata di Pordenone, Grade, Varmo, Pozzuolo del Friuli and Tramonti di Sopra.

Casarsa della Delizia, June 12thhosts The water cycleedited by Livio Vianello with Silvia Criscuoli. The water “cycle” transforms into the “circus” thanks to a series of acrobatic, flying, ferocious readings, where the water enters and exits the track without wetting anyone. The appointment will also be repeated at Caneva The July 6.

AND Cordenons always the June 12th the first stage of Just a drop edited by Damatrà onlus. Everyone is invited to participate in the creative workshop to discover water and its mysteries, through experiments that will become books written… with a simple drop. The event is also scheduled to San Vito al Tagliamento, Grado, Castions di Strada, Fagagna and Rivignano Teor.

Myths and legends from Arthur to the sea of ​​stories.

Monday 17 June in Porcia the appointment with arrives Arthur and the Lady of the Lakeedited by Damatrà onlus. Myths and legends of the Arthur saga come to life and tell stories and adventures of the king, his knights and the mysterious Lady of the Lake. The next locations that will host this meeting are Cervignano del Friuli, Martignacco, Grado, Barcis, Ovaro, Valvasone Arzene and Mortegliano.

It starts from Veneto River on 27 June In the great sea of ​​storiesedited by Livio Vianello with Silvia Criscuoli. For the best stories you needWater of Stories: if it’s missing, there isn’t the right energy to tell and involve the public. And sometimes it can happen that even some spectators transform into narrators, drinking the magical Water of Stories. To try, all you need is a glass! Also ad Artegna, Ragogna, Lestizza, Pravisdomini, Pradamano and Forni Avoltri.

From 8 July Buttrio, Sedegliano, Porcia, Montereale Valcellina, San Giorgio della Richinvelda, Pasiano di Pordenone, Manzano, Budoia and Carlino will host Hydrochromatic: small temporary museum of waterscurated by 0432 cultural association, an exploration of books, aquatic landscapes and creative workshops, with a finale dedicated to all the nuances of water.

The 15th of July from Manzano the journey of The little black fish begins, edited by Luca Zalateu with Serena Vizzutti, who hears the strong call of the sea and decides to abandon the stream where he was born to see what lies beyond. Will all his courage be enough to face the encounters and dangers of the long journey? The other stages are Tavagnacco, Camino al Tagliamento and Reana del Rojale.

Always at ManzanoThe August 26the tour begins Seaside music edited by Giovanna Pezzetta with Leo Virgili. Stories, songs and nursery rhymes for voices and instruments on the high seas. A meeting of words and music to experience an afternoon of adventure and poetry together Bicinicco, San Martino al Tagliamento, Sesto al Reghena, Codroipo and Tarcento.

The history of the inhabitants of Maripurawhose peaceful existence is shattered by the disappearance of water, introduces the August 20th to Talmasons to The mystery of wateredited by Chiara Carminati with Giovanna Pezzetta. But if Maripura is a place of legend, its inhabitants are us and we carry the responsibility every day to protect or dissipate the water given to us. Mystery and investigations, for voice and music, also a Palmanova, Trieste, San Giovanni al Natisone, Corno di Rosazzo and Villessewhich concludes the review on September 20th.

The exhibition ‘Let us start with the children. Books as bridges’.

The exhibition also completes the calendar of events Let us start with the children. Books as bridges. From the August 29th to September 10thon the occasion of the 39th Ibby Congress – International board on books for young people, the Municipality of Trieste will host the exhibition of illustrations by Italian and international artists in the Veruda room on Jella Lepmanfounder of Ibby and creator of extraordinary actions to promote reading.

The LeggiAmo project 0-18 Fvg.

LeggiAMO 0-18 FVG is the project of the Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia which aims to grow the community of young readers and has as a partner CCM – Cultural Consortium of Monfalconese (project coordinator), CSB – Center for Child Health, Damatrà Onlus, AIB Italian Library Association – FVG Section, Radio Magica ETS Foundation, Paediatricians’ Cultural Association, Friuli Venezia Giulia Regional School Office.

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