Italy 24 Press News

Scicli, Giavatto passed away: “Sad day”. The funeral has been scheduled


SCICLI – The news of the passing of Michele GiavattoThe 75 year old doctor from Scicli passed away this morning after a short illness. He is remembered fondly by those who knew him both with shirt on than in the shoes of member of the Democratic Party and of trade unionist.

Numerous messages of condolence addressed to Dr. Giavatto in recent hours. Among these that of CGILunion for which he was militant and leader. “Today, unfortunately, it is a sad day. Michele – declares the provincial secretary of the union acronym, Peppe Scifowas a great consistent companionAlways on the side of the weakest and the least. He has always carried out his profession with great seriousness, spirit of service, professionalism And scientific rigor. Constantly alongside users, patients and workers in the healthcare system”.

Scifo adds: “From his top position he always managed to stay away from power, fighting injustice and malfeasance in healthcare, until the last days of his service. It was among builders of the excellent realities of our healthcare system and for this reason, in recent years, it has fought on the front line against the decline of public health”.

Michele was always a key figure for us trade union leaders positive goadguiding us towards some battles, which he was the first to fight with his head held high. His death leaves a great void, in the CGIL, in its Scicli and in the Iblean healthcare system. He leaves us thereexample of a life spent serving the weakest – ends the general secretary of the CGIL Ragusa -, always on the side of social justice”.

Meanwhile, they were Doctor Giavatto’s funeral has been scheduled. The body will be taken to the hospital tomorrow afternoon, at 4.30 pm church of the SS. Salvatore to Jungi for the funeral celebration.

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