Italy 24 Press News

He attacks his wife, the police intervene to stop them and he kicks them: arrested

In Como a man was arrested because he kicked the officers who had intervened to save his wife who he was attacking.

Yesterday, Monday 3 June, a man was arrested in Como. This is a citizen of Tunisian origins, resident in Switzerland, who he attacked his partner. Anyone who witnessed the scene has immediately called the officers.

The policemen from the flying squad rushed to the scene. They immediately identified the couple and noticed who the husband was in an obvious state of drunkenness. Precisely during the identification phases, man has tried to escape: the officers reached him and he lashed out at them. In fact, she hit them with kicks and punches.

After immobilizing him, they made him get into the company car. Even in the vehicle he continued with his behavior: he hit the windows and the interior of the cockpit with some heads. Meanwhile one of the officers was transferred to the Sant’Anna hospital in San Fermo della Battaglia: it was diagnosed with a compound fracture of the wrist and scaphoid and was discharged with a prognosis of thirty days.

He beats his wife in front of passers-by who call the police: an officer breaks his wrist trying to stop him

The attacker, who was not clear whether he suffered injuries, was arrested and also reported while at liberty: it was in fact proven that he was illegal on national territory. Furthermore he was administratively sanctioned for disorderly drunkenness. It is not clear whether the woman, however, suffered injuries or not and whether hospitalization was therefore necessary for her.

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